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Dhafi Quiz

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Berikut ini bentuk BUMS yang cara perdiriannya paling mudah adalah…

  • A. Perusahaan perseorangan
  • B. Perseroan terbatas
  • C. Persekutuan
  • D. Koperasi
  • E. Firma

Jawaban: A. Perusahaan perseorangan

Penjelasan: Perusahaan perseorangan merupakan bentuk BUMS yang paling mudah untuk didirikan, karena tidak memerlukan persetujuan pihak ketiga dalam pendirian dan pengoperasian bisnis.

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Bentuk BUMS yang paling mudah untuk didirikan adalah ….

    A.   PT 

    B.    perusahaan perseorangan

    C.    CV 

    D.   Firma

    E.    persero 


Bentuk BUMS yang paling mudah untuk didirikan adalah perusahaan perseorangan.


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UV Dhafi Quiz

Find Answers To Your Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ] Easily at with Accurate Answer. >>

Ini adalah Daftar Pilihan Jawaban yang Tersedia :

  1. Perusahaan perseorangan
  2. Perseroan terbatas
  3. Persekutuan komanditer
  4. Koperasi
  5. Firma

Jawaban terbaik adalah A. Perusahaan perseorangan .

Dilansir dari guru Pembuat kuis di seluruh dunia. Jawaban yang benar untuk Pertanyaan ❝Berikut ini bentuk BUMS yang cara pendiriannya paling mudah adalah ....❞ Adalah A. Perusahaan perseorangan .
Saya Menyarankan Anda untuk membaca pertanyaan dan jawaban berikutnya, Yaitu Kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan oleh BUMN bersifat public service artinya .... dengan jawaban yang sangat akurat.

Klik Untuk Melihat Jawaban Merupakan situs pendidikan pembelajaran online untuk memberikan bantuan dan wawasan kepada siswa yang sedang dalam tahap pembelajaran. mereka akan dapat dengan mudah menemukan jawaban atas pertanyaan di sekolah. Kami berusaha untuk menerbitkan kuis Ensiklopedia yang bermanfaat bagi siswa. Semua fasilitas di sini 100% Gratis untuk kamu. Semoga Situs Kami Bisa Bermanfaat Bagi kamu. Terima kasih telah berkunjung.

jenis" transaksi yg ada di Indonesia ​

Setelah anda menyelesaikan tugas 6, selanjutnya tugas yang harus anda kerjakan adalah, susun laporan keuangan dari Indah Properti, yang terdiri dari … Laporan Laba Rugi, Laporan Perubahan Modal dan Neraca, dikertas kerja yang telah disediakan

Dalam penentuan harga faktor produksi dikenal istilah Fungsi Produksi Cobb-Douglas. Fungsi produksi [Cobb-Douglas Production Function] ini terletak di … antara dua ekstrem yaitu Linear Production Function dan Leontief Production Function disebut Cobb-Douglas production Function. Dengan rumus Q = F[K, L] = KaLb Berdasarkan pengertian tersebut, terdapat contoh kasus sebagai berikut: Konsultan meneliti suatu perusahaan, ternyata perusahaan tersebut mempunyai Production Function Cobb- Douglas sebagai berikut: Q = F[K, L] = K ^ [1/2] * L ^ [1/2] Pertanyaan: Berapa rata-rata produktivitas tenaga kerja, bila diperkerjakan 16 unit tenaga kerja dan 9 unit capital?

buatkan 3 soal tentang PERMINTAAN, FUNGSI & ELASTISITAS PERMINTAAN.jangan liat google ya,kalo liat google nanti jawabannya gw report [lagi butuh b … anget]​

SIMAKLAH PERINTAH TUGAS 3 SECARA CERMAT! Buatlah tulisan singkat [essay, bukan ringkasan!] dalam topik: Hubungan Pusat dan Daerah Dalam Bidang Pelaya … nan Publik. Essay tersebut harus mengandung analisis tentang dimensi pelayanan publik yang berkualitas dan penyelenggaraan pelayanan publik di Indoensia saat ini dan kondisi ideal yang harus diwujudkan. KETENTUAN PENULISAN ESSAY • Font Times New Roman 12, • Spasi 1 • Margin 3-3-3-3 • Jumlah halaman maksimal: 3 halaman [tidak perlu menggunakan cover]. Mohon cantumkan Nama Anda dan NIM di bawah Judul Essay. • Sistematika: [1] Pendahuluan dengan permasalahan yang jelas; [2] Pembahasan [dikaitkan juga dengan tinjauan teoretik dan analisis disertai data yang mencukupi]; [3] Kesimpulan [berisi jawaban terhadap permasalahan dan rekomendasi Anda]; dan [4] Referensi. • Pada Referensi, minimal Anda harus merujuk pada 3 artikel jurnal dalam 5 tahun terakhir. • Tulisan harus orsinil [TIDAK BOLEH COPY PASTE!!!] • Waktu pengerjaan tugas maksimal 2 minggu. Kerjakan dan unggah secara online di tempat Tugas, dan jangan sampai terlambat.

1 Jelaskan siklus investasi dan pendanaan dan tujuan audit khusus siklus investasi dan pendanaan! 2 Jelaskan risiko bawaan dan pengendalian internal p … ada audit atas saldo kas! 3 Jelaskan masing-masing prosedur untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan lapangan

1. Writing A Letter To A friend [80 points] Write a letter to a friend based on the situation given. You have recently been staying with your old frie … nd during holidays. After returning to your hometown, write a letter to your old friend. In your letter: say how you felt about the visit refer to something enjoyable that you did while staying with him / her invite your friend to visit you Your writing should contain 150-200 words and follow the writing organization as we have learned in these Tuton materials. Bear in mind, we suggest you to not too focus on the content. We want to see whether you have accomplished these writing competences or not. The writing competences that are being assessed are organization, content, word choice, and mechanic. 2. Using Transitional Devices [20 points] See below table. [Taken from : // ] Now read the text and fill in the blank with appropriate transitional device. Breaking The Rules College and high school students often look for shortcuts to make their work easier. To achieve a good grade, students are sometimes tempted to cheat. One of the most frequent ways of cheating is to buy essays off the Internet. This may result in a good grade. [1……………..], plagiarism is irresponsible from a social and an academic standpoint. [2. ………….], plagiarism is socially unacceptable. Students are expected by teachers and their classmates to do their own work. If a student plagiarizes, he or she violates that trust. This may damage the relationship between the student and the teacher. [3…………], it breaks the relationship with classmates. I remember once when a student was discovered to have plagiarized his essay. We were mad that our classmate had lied to us. [4. …………….] It was an embarrassment for everyone— the institution, the instructor and the student— to discover that he had been cheating all along. Plagiarism is also wrong because it is against academic policy. [5. ……………..] buying essays and presenting them as your own may save time initially, this practice is against university rules. [6. ……………….], universities have ways to prove if students have plagiarized. Instructors can use software that compares a student essay and material on the Internet. This way, instructors can detect if a particular essay was copied. The consequences are very serious. I remember when one of my classmates started buying essays to prove that he was an excellent student. After the final exam, our instructor found his essay on a website and the student was expelled. It is true that many students at community colleges have busy schedules and may have trouble completing their assignments on time. Some students may argue that because of their situation, they sometimes have no choice but to buy essays off the Internet. [7. …………..], buying essays off the Internet should never be the solution. Instead, students might try to negotiate the deadline with their instructor. [8. ……………], while writing may be a struggle for some students who feel that their writing is not good enough to receive an A, it is crucial that they do their own work. They may go to a writing center for help. Otherwise, if they plagiarize, they will not develop their own writing and critical thinking skills. [9. …………..], they may not be prepared to pass their final exams. In the end, plagiarizing is harmful to a student’s own academic success. [10. …………..], I believe that university authorities should discourage plagiarism by making students more aware of the problems it causes. Plagiarism damages classroom relationships. It also violates school policies and prevents students from realizing their own potential. If we do not stop plagiarism, many students will lose out on their education.

1. Writing A Letter To A friend [80 points] Write a letter to a friend based on the situation given. You have recently been staying with your old frie … nd during holidays. After returning to your hometown, write a letter to your old friend. In your letter: say how you felt about the visit refer to something enjoyable that you did while staying with him / her invite your friend to visit you Your writing should contain 150-200 words and follow the writing organization as we have learned in these Tuton materials. Bear in mind, we suggest you to not too focus on the content. We want to see whether you have accomplished these writing competences or not. The writing competences that are being assessed are organization, content, word choice, and mechanic.

Tugas tutorial 3 merupakan tugas yang wajib dikerjakan oleh para peserta tuton pada batas waktu yang ditetapkan. nilai tugas berkostribusi sebesar 50% … terhadap Total Nilai Tuton. Silahkan kerjakan dengan baik dan dibuat dalam format file PDF. PERSOALAN Berikan pemahaman saudara mengenai Pool of Fund Approach Berikan pemahaman saudara mengenai Asset Alocation Approach

1]. Jelaskan apakah kasus sengketa antara CPNS dengan Walikota Yogyakarta tersebut di atas apakah telah memenuhi unsur-unsur sengketa hukum dalam lin … gkup PTUN?; 2]. Upaya hukum apa yang dapat dilakukan kedua belah pihak, manakala salah satu pihak mengetahui hasil putusan PTUN dianggap tidak memuaskan? 3]. Adakah peluang dimungkinkannya penyelesaian sengketa tersebut diselesaikan melalui ADR [Alternatif Dispute Resolution], jelaskan?

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