Arti kata "troll" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata troll bahasa

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument


Arti kata troll bahasa

One who purposely and deliberately (that purpose usually being self-amusement) starts an argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by his or her peers. He will spark of such an argument via the use of ad hominem attacks (i.e. 'you're nothing but a fanboy' is a popular phrase) with no substance or relevence to back them up as well as straw man arguments, which he uses to simply avoid addressing the essence of the issue.



Arti kata troll bahasa

1a. Noun One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument. 1b. Noun A person who, on a message forum of some type, attacks and flames other members of the forum for any of a number of reasons such as rank, previous disagreements, sex, status, ect. A troll usually flames threads without staying on topic, unlike a "Flamer" who flames a thread because he/she disagrees with the content of the thread. 1c. Noun A member of an internet forum who continually harangues and harasses others. Someone with nothing worthwhile to add to a certain conversation, but rather continually threadjacks or changes the subject, as well as thinks every member of the forum is talking about them and only them. Trolls often go by multiple names to circumvent getting banned. 2a. Noun Sometimes compared to the Japanese ‘Oni’, a troll is a supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore, whose race was thought to have carried massive stones into the countryside (although actually the result of glaciers). Lives in hills, mountains, caves, or under bridges. They are stupid, large, brutish, hairy, long-nosed, and bug-eyed, and may also have multiple heads or horns. Trolls love to eat people, especially small children. The Females of the species are generally kinder and more intelligent, but still fairly hideous. 2b. Noun An aesthetically repulsive person, often has terrible social skills, usually a woman. See Troglodyte. 2c. Noun An old, unattractive gay man who hits on young men, and cannot seem to understand that they want nothing to do with him. 3a. Verb To fish by dragging bait behind a moving motor-boat. 3b. Verb To cruise for immediate sexual pleasure without commitment. Often characterized by an older man, seeking a younger man, or any man for immediate, often anonymous sexual contact. 4. Noun A joke disguised as an outrageously stupid statement or question, intended to trap people into believing it is serious. 5. Verb To use acid and ectasy simulataneously. See trolling. (Comes from ‘Tripping’ on acid, and ‘Rolling’ on ecstasy) 6. Noun A toy popular in the 1980’s, a ‘troll’ is a cute little plastic trolls with fluffy, colored hair.


1a. I hate trolls! 1b. I hate trolls! 1c. I hate trolls! 2a. It is said that a troll will turn to stone if caught by sunlight/daylight. 2b. Ewww… Jenna is such a troll! 2c. That troll kept hitting on Rick. 3a. I then got to troll for salmon. I caught one that was 65 inches long! 3b. He went trolling and picked up a 17-year-old boy recently at a gay club. 4. Hey, how's my computer able to speak in foreign languages? 5. Back in the 90's we used to troll at the raves. 6. I bought a 4-inch troll for my little sister on her birthday.

Arti kata troll bahasa

1. A large, brutish creature of European myth, often lacking in intelligence. Sometimes compared to the Japanese oni. 2. A dumbass who makes idiotic posts in message boards newsgroups for the sole purpose of pissing people off, often lacking in intelligence. Sometimes compared to people who pass you by on the sidewalk then grab you in inappropriate places.


1. "AAAAAAHH, it's a troll!" "Protect the women and children! Grab your torches!" 2. "AAAAAAHH, it's a troll!" "****head... we banned him five times and he keeps making new accounts about how he pwns all and that he>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>j00!"

Arti kata troll bahasa

A person who posts to a forum or other form of online communication to disrupt or cause widespread argument.


WILK0, troll of the Xbox forums

Arti kata troll bahasa

Someone who is purposefully posting on a forum/messageboard/site sith the sole aim to irritate the regular members. Contrary to popular belief there is much more to internet trolling than posting "OMG UR ALL SO GHEYYYY!!!1" "OMFG TRIVIUM SUX ASS U FAGS LOL" and the like. People who post such things will usually be one-post wonders and get banned, however the more experienced troll will attempt to cause some sort of havoc under the admins radar. Common examples of trolling: The long-term troll: These guys don't mind waiting around for the fun to begin. They may pretend to be an average n00b, and give themselves the stereotyical interest(s) of the average member of said forum, then once having a few posts they will gradually try to spread dissent. This type may even pretend to be pally to the admin and get their msn (and try to crack their account password of course) whilst causing general disruption. May act under other proxies and slate these fake trolls on msn to the aforementioned gullible admin. These people, to be frank, usually have no life and love bringing message boards to their knees by putting considerable time into their carnage. If they crack the admins password the board is doomed. The sophisticated troll: This type will usually have some sort of distaste for whatever the said message board is discussing and try to cause annoyance as opposed to destructiveness. They will parody the members and see how much they can get over their heads. Subtle pisstaking being their route. They'll usually get banned in the end but will annoy an entire community using this drawn out approach. The faker troll: A clever troll, the main aim of the game is to, ironically, act really REALLY stupid, this trolls aim is to argue with members incoherantly, usually using text speak. This is a ploy, the troll only needs to spend 10 seconds writing the babble when the member wastes 10 minutes writing a much more wordy reply. The troll will reply with a stupid rebuff making the member post as many long replies as possible. Using the members weight against them and wasting their forum time... If they are good then their act will be believable and they probably won't get banned unless the admin is strict on txt tlk. The rank and file spammer: These are the first to pop into peoples minds, they are similar to the examples stated in the first paragraph. No previous experience necessary, this lot will swarm in, again, usually under proxies to maximise the destructiveness, and spam the place to hell. Only causes mild irritation if not in large numbers. Join any popular forum for a year and I guarantee you'll see all of these.


(let's assume it's a metal board) Faker troll (expecting to cause irritation): "Hi im nu here u all seem kl i am rly metal rawrrr i leik slipnot and fall out boys!!!1 they r so metal! see u al on da forum xxx" Rank and File spammer: "LOOOOL U METAL PPL R SO GHEY WITH UR SHOUTY MUSIC WRIST SLITTING ANIMAL FUCKING SATAN SHIIIT"

Arti kata troll bahasa

what andy harglesis is


guy 1: yo did you see that crazy 13andincrediblycut/andy harglesis guy spamming on weight lifting vids again? hes everywhere guy 2: yeah but hes a sad loser ... a troll ... thats what andy harglesis is

Arti kata troll bahasa

1) A fantasy creature with no single definition. Usually large, ugly and nasty...except when it's small, cute, and friendly. Often lives under bridges. 2) An ugly little plastic doll with big hair. 3) One of the five Horde races in World of Warcraft. Tall, leggy, and blue, with three-fingered hands and two-toed feet; also has tusks and a Caribbean accent. 4) (verb) To go fishing. 5) (verb) To act as an example of the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory; derived from definition 4, on the theory that the person is "fishing" for attention. This can also be a noun, meaning someone who does just that.


1) According to TVTropes, all trolls are different. 2) My aunt collects troll dolls. 3) My troll shadow priest will melt your face! 4) They're out trolling the river. 5) Oh, great, someone is trolling the forums again. Where did all of these trolls come from, anyway?

Arti kata troll bahasa

one of the most overused words on the Internet which has matched lol for meaninglessness. supposedly means someone who is disruptive or mean on a message board, but now extends to anyone who is ever disagreeable or doesn't join in on the circle jerk. some people also take it to mean the act of reading and posting on message boards.


ZOMG you're such a troll! omg stop trolling youz trollin stop stating you ropinions as facts troll

Arti kata troll bahasa

Ad hominem attack directed at anyone whose opinion is different from your own.


Someone actually responded to my comment on youtube with an opinion that's different from mine. I called him a troll and told him to go f himself. And, just like a troll, he refused to answer my profound political retort.