Why cant I pin my post on Instagram?

(Pocket-lint) - One of the latest features to hit Instagram allows users to pin up to three posts or reels to the top of their profile.

The new addition works similarly to the pinning functionality on TikTok or Twitter, in which a post stays at the top of your feed as if it's your most recent content.

Here's everything you need to know about how to use it.

How pinned posts appear on Instagram

In a similar way to how Instagram's Story Highlights currently appear, pinned posts will show in the first slots on a profile's grid. 

As shown off below, a pinned post will take the top left-hand spot on your grid, and will display a small white pin icon in the top-right corner (just as it would highlight a post containing a carousel of images) to signify the fact it's not necessarily the most recent post.

You like it? You pin it

You can now choose up to three posts or Reels to pin to the top of your profile. pic.twitter.com/9waQkueckG

— Instagram (@instagram) June 7, 2022

Since this is a new feature, it will be interesting to see how it ends up being used. Obviously, the natural way to highlight posts would be to pin personal favourites, but we can also imagine it being used to create split-image banners across the grid, too.

How to pin posts and reels on Instagram 

Whether it's a reel or a regular post, the process is the same if you're looking to pin it to the top of your grid.

Simply open it up, tap the three dots in the top right-hand corner and select the 'Pin to your profile' option.

It's as easy as that.

To unpin a post to your profile, simply open it up again, hit that same three-dot menu in the top-left and tap 'Unpin from your profile'.

Something else to be aware of is the order in which you pin posts. Once you add a second and third pinned post, this will push previously pinned posts deeper into the grid.

It's a minor point, but one to consider if you want them to appear in a specific order on the grid.

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Instagram is now (finally?) giving us the option to pin posts to our profile grids. To be honest, I’m really freaking happy about this update! This is so valuable to so many.


Well, the “fun” thing about Instagram is that our profile grid (not what’s in the feed when someone is scrolling, but what’s in your grid when someone comes to your profile) is just a bunch of photos. If the post is a video, they see the thumbnail. If it’s a carousel, they see the first image. And a lot of times, those images in and of themselves don’t really explain what the post is about – that’s what the caption does. But you can’t see the caption in the profile grid.

So, let’s say you did this awesome “about me” post or a “meet the team” post or a “here’s what you get when you work with me” post or “how to contact customer support” post or some other super helpful, relevant, and informative post that you would want people to see… but unless that text is on the thumbnail or image, no one looking at the long grid of photos would know which one to select.


This is why I’m so excited about pinned posts. Now, when you have those great “first impression” posts that you want new visitors to see, you can pin those to the top of your grid so that when they come to your profile and start looking at your posts, those important ones are the first ones they see. Regardless of when they were originally posted.

And, you can update the pinned posts anytime. So if you post something newer, more relevant, with updated details, or timely to news or trends, boom! New post gets pinned and you’re ready for viewers.

Ok, so now that you can see WHY this is so relevant, how do you pin posts?

How to Pin Posts on Instagram

It’s actually super easy!

You can pin anything that is normally in the profile feed/grid – aka photos, videos, carousel posts, and Reels. NOT Stories.

So, first thing, find any post in your existing feed (you can’t pin an unpublished post before you post it). Then tap on the three dot button in the upper right corner of the post.

Then, from the menu options that appear, choose “Pin to Profile”.

That’s literally all you have to do! Like I said, super easy.

To unpin a post, basically do the same thing: go to the pinned post, tap the three dot button, select “Unpin post”, and you’re done.

Once a post is pinned to your profile, the post will show the thumbtack/pin icon in the upper right corner when viewed in the grid. The pin doesn’t appear when the post is viewed.

Ok, but a few things to be aware of:

  • You can only pin up to 3 posts – once three are pinned, you have to unpin one to pin a new one.
  • The pinned posts appear in the order in which they were pinned with the most recently pinned post being the first one in the grid. So if you know you want to pin two posts and you want Post A to be the first post in the grid (left most) and Post B to be the second in the grid (center), then pin Post B FIRST and Post A second.
  • When a post is pinned, it no longer appears in its original space on the grid – it only appears once, pinned at the top. If you unpin it, it returns to it’s original placement in the grid.
  • If you upload a new post that is not pinned, it appears AFTER any pinned posts.
  • When someone selects a post to view in your grid, they will scroll through the list of posts in the order in which they appear – ie. if they start with the first post (a pinned post), they see that one and scroll down to the next and so on as one continuous feed.

So there you have it, all the things you need to know about pinned posts on Instagram. I hope you’re just as excited to go try them out!

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You cannot pin a post using the Facebook Android app. So if you want to pin a post on Android, you'll need to do it using a web browser. You can use Google Chrome, Firefox, or any other app. If you're not signed in to Facebook, enter the email address and password associated with your Facebook account and tap Log In.

How do you pin a post on Instagram 2022?

How do I pin a post to the top of my Instagram profile?.
Tap or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile..
Tap one of your posts, then tap in the top right..
Tap Pin to your profile..

How do I pin an Instagram post?

To pin a post to your Instagram grid, open the Instagram app, then open your profile and scroll through your feed. When you find an Instagram post you want to pin, tap to open it. Then tap the three dot menu in the upper-right corner to open the post action menu. From the menu, select the Pin to Your Profile option.

Can everyone pin posts on Instagram?

The ability to pin posts is rolling out globally to all users starting today. You can pin a post by navigating to a specific photo or Reel and clicking on the three dots in the top right corner and selecting “Pin to your profile.” Once you do so, the post will appear at the top of your profile grid.

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