What is Facebook app ID and secret?

General settings contains unique identifiers assigned to your app and allows you to provide additional information to further define and describe your app. These identifiers allows us to identify your app when it makes API calls, and helps us determine which permissions and features your app has been granted by app users, and are used to generate access tokens.

App ID

When you create a Facebook app we generate and assign it a unique ID. This ID must be included when making any calls to our APIs. All of our SDKs provide a way for you to easily set this value in your codebase so that will automatically be included with any API calls.

App Secret

Your app secret is used in some of the Facebook Login flows to generate an App access token which can make API requests on behalf of any user of the app. It is extremely important that an App Secret be stored securely and not be included in any code that could be accessed by anyone other than a developer of the app.

We recommend that App access tokens only be used directly from your app's servers in order to provide the best security. For native apps, we suggest that the app communicates with your own server and the server then makes the API requests to Facebook using the App access token.

If your app secret is compromised, you can reset it in the App Dashboard. Learn more about the app secret and appsecret_proof for securing server-side calls.

Display Name

The display name is the user facing name of your app that will be displayed in the App Center. This field is required to switch your app to Live mode.

Display Name Guidelines

Follow these guidelines when choosing or modifying your app's display name, otherwise it will be rejected during App Review.

  • Do not use names that include Facebook or FB, or any names of Facebook products such as Oculus, WhatsApp, or Instagram.
  • Do not use "F", "Book", or "Face" in your name if it could be perceived as a reference to Facebook.
  • Do not use our brands in a way that implies partnership, sponsorship, or endorsement by us.
  • Do not combine any part of our brands with your name.
  • Do not use names or logos that imitate or could be confused with our brands
  • Do not present our brand assets in a way that make them the most distinctive or prominent feature of your app.


The namespace URL links to your app's Canvas page. The Canvas page is used to tell user about your app.

App Domains

Domains and subdomains of your app for app installation and are used during Graph API request for verification.

Contact Email

The contact email is the email address where developer notifications will be sent. This field is required to switch your app to Live mode.

Privacy Policy URL

The Privacy Policy URL links to your app's privacy policy that applies to your app users.

Terms of Service URL

The Terms of Service URL links to the Terms of Service for your app that applies to your app users. This field is required to switch your app to Live mode.

User Data Deletion

The User Data Delection URL links to explicit instructions for your app users on how to delete their data from your app. This URL may be the relevant section in the application's Privacy Policy.

The data deletion URL is called when users remove your app by way of the Facebook's Apps and Website settings page, and then in the Removed section, click your app and request that their data be deleted.

Learn more about data deletion.

App Icon

The App Icon represents your app in the App Center. This field is required to switch your app to Live mode.

App Icon Guidelines

Follow these guidelines when uploading or replacing your app icon, otherwise it will be rejected during App Review.

  • Do not use or incorporate any of our logos, trademarks, icons, or any modified forms or variations of them. This includes logos, trademearks, and icons for any of our other products, such as Oculus, WhatsApp, or Instagram.
  • Do not include "Facebook" or "FB".


Your app’s category helps users discover new apps based on their search. This field is required to switch your app to Live mode.

App Purpose

Your app's purpose is used during App Review to tell us how your app will access and use your data or data of others. This field is required to switch your app to Live mode.

A Facebook App ID is a unique number that identifies your app when you request ads from Audience Network.

Each app on Audience Network must have a unique Facebook App ID. You may already have an App ID if your app uses Facebook Login or Facebook Analytics for Apps.

Integrate Facebook Shop with your existing online store with Magento 2 Facebook Shop and Akeneo Facebook Shop Connector.

To get an App ID, follow these steps.

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Step One: Visit The Facebook Developers Page

To start with, navigate your browser to the Facebook Developers page. You’ll need to login to your Facebook account.

Once logged in, you’ll see a screen similar to this:

What is Facebook app ID and secret?
What is Facebook app ID and secret?

To begin, click on “Add a New App” link under the “My Apps” menu in the top right corner.

Step Two: Input Your New App’s Information

Once you’ve clicked “Add a New App” link, a pop-up box will appear asking you for your new App’s Display Name, Contact E-Mail Address. Enter App’s Display Name and click on “Create App ID”.

What is Facebook app ID and secret?
What is Facebook app ID and secret?

Step Three: Add Products In Your App

Now you have to add “Facebook Login” product in your app. And to do that click on “Set Up” button.

What is Facebook app ID and secret?
What is Facebook app ID and secret?

After clicking on “Set Up” button you will redirect to the “Quickstart” page.

To get started, select the platform for this app. Now select “Web” platform for this app.

What is Facebook app ID and secret?
What is Facebook app ID and secret?

Check Magento 2 Facebook Pixel to integrate analytics tool into your Magento Store.

Step Four: Set Up Your Product

After clicking on “Web” a new tab will be open. Now enter your site URL here and click “Save” button.

What is Facebook app ID and secret?
What is Facebook app ID and secret?

After clicking on “Save” button skip the remaining part. Now click on “Settings” in left side menu list.

Enter redirect URL here ( for example “https://your-domain/auth_oauth/signin” in case of our website ajax login/sign-up module) and after that click “Save Changes” button to save the details.

What is Facebook app ID and secret?
What is Facebook app ID and secret?

Find the links below for your Facebook Messenger-

Magento 2, WooCommerce, Opencart.

Step Five: Make Your App Live

For making your app live you have to enter some more details. And for doing this click on “Basic” tab under the “Settings” in the left side menu list.

After clicking on “Basic” tab you have to enter “App Domains” and “Privacy Policy URL” and make this app live by clicking switch button on top.

How do I find my Facebook app ID and secret ID?

Now expand the Setting menu and select Basic. Here you can find the App ID and App Secret. Then click on the “Show” button in the “App Secret” text box. You can copy the “App Id” and “App Secret” which you can use for your Facebook API calls.

What is my Facebook app ID?

Tap Apps and Websites, then tap Logged in with Facebook. Tap on the name of the app. Scroll down to Learn more. Your user ID is in the paragraph below.

Is Facebook app ID private?

It is secure to embed appId in client side JS code, why because appId doesn't convey any information about your app/FB profile to anyone who doesn't know your FB username and password.

What is app key and app secret?

The app key and app secret are created when a Fabric app is published to a runtime environment. They can be viewed by clicking the key icon from the publish page on the runtime on which app was published. You can configure specific values or let the system auto-generate those.