What counts as a view for a story?

For a video to get a view, a user has to watch the video for at least three seconds. You can get multiple views from the same user as long as each time your video loops, they watch at least three seconds of it. In fact, watching your own Instagram video for longer than three seconds counts as a view, too.

How long do you have to view a Story to count as a view?

A video's view count doesn't include video loops, and a view is counted when a video is watched for 3 seconds or more.

How long do you have to watch an IG Story for it to count?

The Answer:

While some users seem to think that the view count takes up to 3 seconds (like Facebook) Instagram video views for story posts are counted right away. That's right, so even if you only watched that story for a hot second and then closed out... it will count!

three seconds For a video to get a view, a user has to watch the video for at least three seconds. You can get multiple views from the same user as long as each time your video loops, they watch at least three seconds of it. In fact, watching your own Instagram video for longer than three seconds counts as a view, too.

How can you tell who looks at your Instagram highlights?

How to Check Who Saw Your Highlights

  1. Navigate to your profile on Instagram.
  2. Tap the icon of the Highlight you want information on.
  3. Tap on the “Seen by” button in the bottom-left corner of the screen to see the list of people who saw your highlight.

Can someone see if you search them on Instagram?

Good news – the short answer is no, people won't know if you look at their Instagram photos, but this doesn't apply to Stories or videos. ... From day one, Instagram hasn't told users when somebody visits their profile or views one of their photos.

Is there a way to view someone's Instagram story without them knowing?

If you turn on Airplane mode and turn off your WiFi (on an iPhone, at least), you can then watch the person's entire story without them knowing.

How do you secretly see a story on Instagram?

Marketing shouldn't be hard.

  1. Find the profile whose Story you want to view secretly on your feed, and click on the profile right next to it.
  2. Tap on the Story to pause it, and then slowly and carefully swipe in the direction of the Story you want to view.

How can I see someone's story on Instagram without them knowing?

Marketing shouldn't be hard.

  1. Find the profile whose Story you want to view secretly on your feed, and click on the profile right next to it.
  2. Tap on the Story to pause it, and then slowly and carefully swipe in the direction of the Story you want to view.

How can you see someones Instagram highlights without them knowing?

Just look for the person whose story you want to view and you will be able to see the Stories and the Story highlights there. You can tap on the Stories to view them without them knowing.

Is there any way to see how many times someone views your story?

Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Snapchat all let you see who has viewed your story but do not let you know if a person has viewed it again. In fact, their viewer lists all populate in quite the same way. Once a person has viewed your story, their name will not move to the top if they view it again.

Can you see who viewed your Instagram story?

Yes, you can definitely view everyone that saw your Instagram Story because it was posted in Highlights. However, you can only see the viewers and view counts for 48 hours, then those two elements are gone forever. You can still always view the highlights until you delete them.

How can I see how many views I have on my Snapchat story?

You can check the number of views that your story has, as well as who those people are that have viewed your story. To check out the views on your story, launch the Snapchat app, and tap on your story window in the top left corner. Now tap your story to open it. Tap on the eye symbol at the bottom of your story.

How long does a story on Instagram last?

Stories themselves only last for a 24-hour period, with the ephemeral nature helping to protect users from feeling like they are oversharing with their followers. They're essentially a separate environment for some more relaxed content — just the kind of thing a crush would want to scope out, amirite?

Instagram advertising is easy to venture into but requires a lot of effort as you proceed. Learning how to track the performance of your posts and scan your audience is one of the most crucial skills to acquire.

Instagram often keeps track of how many times each piece of content is seen. So, it’s essential to know how Instagram counts views to highlight the performance of your post

Quick Answer

Generally, when someone watches your video for more than three seconds on Instagram, it is considered a view, and your video will receive one view count.

That brings us to the main highlight of this guide. Below, we’ll be discussing what Instagram counts as a view when you post a video on Instagram. So continue reading to learn more about how the Instagram algorithm counts views on Instagram videos.

Table of Contents

  1. How Does Instagram Count Video Views?
  2. How To Boost Instagram Video Views
    • Method #1: Use a Catchy Description
    • Method #2: Make Use of the Appropriate Hashtags
    • Method #3: Reply To Messages
    • Method #4: Highlight Your Most Compelling Stories
    • Method #5: Share Stories at Appropriate Times
  3. Conclusion
  4. FAQs

How Does Instagram Count Video Views?

The number of views on your Instagram videos can indicate your level of success. More followers do not always imply success because your content should keep people interested. One approach to increasing your Instagram influencer status is to provide quality content regularly.

The number of views an Instagram video has is shown directly below the post. You can tap on the views to see all the individuals who enjoyed the video and learn more about the interactions. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to see everyone who watched your video. You will, however, have a notion of engaging videos. 

That could help you analyze your work and hence acquire more involvement from your audience. Instagram counts each profile that watches your video as a single view. That implies every time you watch a video for longer than three seconds, it counts as a view. The same regulation applies to everyone else who sees the video on Instagram.

How To Boost Instagram Video Views

You can utilize some tried and proven strategies to boost the number of video views on Instagram. With that, marketers will be more interested in your profile, which will result in higher engagement rates. The five methods outlined below are pretty straightforward. However, they do involve some tasks on your part. On that note, let’s get started.

Method #1: Use a Catchy Description

Each video you post should have a catchy description if you want to acquire a respectable amount of views. This description will help your followers grasp the video’s content better.

A few lines of text summarizing the video’s content is usually sufficient. To avoid confusing your followers, use primary and straightforward language.

Method #2: Make Use of the Appropriate Hashtags

Hashtags are well-known for helping to boost the visibility and reach of Instagram posts. But did you know it may also be used to enhance your Instagram Stories?

With all of Instagram’s focus on hashtags, it’s past time for you to start using them in your stories. Consequently, your Stories will receive more views if you use relevant and appropriate hashtags.

Method #3: Reply To Messages

Followers will occasionally send you messages in response to your Stories. Rather than watching your Story and moving on to the next, they took the time to respond. Try responding to them if you want to make them feel appreciated.

It may seem insignificant from your perspective, but it would mean a lot to the person who responded to your Stories. Your response is the first step in starting a discussion with your following. While it is only the beginning of the relationship, it has the potential to go a long way.

Method #4: Highlight Your Most Compelling Stories

Your Instagram Story has a 24-hour lifespan, and anyone who does not check Instagram during that time will undoubtedly miss it. But what if you could keep your Stories public indefinitely? That will almost certainly increase your views.

Use the Highlights feature to accomplish this. Until you remove them, highlighted Stories will always appear in a specific section of your profile.

Method #5: Share Stories at Appropriate Times

Knowing the right time to post on Instagram should be your ultimate objective if you’re serious about getting views on Instagram Stories. When you post Stories when most of your followers are online, your Stories have a better chance of being seen.

How To Boost Performance?

Instagram is one of the most popular social media apps globally, where user engagement is often taken into consideration in analyzing a post’s performance. When you post a video on Instagram, views are counted for a view surpassing 3 seconds. 

To increase your views, you need to post something engaging to users which will keep them at bay. That’ll undoubtedly be a deciding factor in the performance of your post. 


Views are just as crucial as likes and comments for Instagram growth. Having discussed how Instagram counts video views in this guide, we believe you’re now familiar with how to estimate your Instagram views. Concerning that, to gain more views on Instagram, you need to improve the openings of your videos. 

You should aim to keep people watching for at least 3 seconds. So, try to think of new ideas, be inventive in your introductions, and pull out all the stops. Also, if you have any questions, feel free to post a remark.


Do multiple views from the same person count on Instagram?

No, much like when you like a post many times, each user’s video view only counts once, regardless of the number of times other users viewed it.

How can I see who viewed my Instagram video?

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to see who has watched your video. A number will appear beneath your video, reflecting the total number of watchers. The usernames of individuals who loved your movie are the only things you can see. However, you have no way of knowing who saw your video. 

Also, keep in mind that viewers may enjoy your video but only watch it for three seconds. That’s why users occasionally complain that the number of likes exceeds the number of views.

Why are my video views not showing up on Instagram?

This scenario could be for a variety of reasons. The video is most likely outdated. Only videos uploaded after November 2015 are eligible for Instagram views. In light of that, if you come across a video posted before this date, you won’t be able to see the number of views.

Another possibility is that you shared carousel content. Instagram does not display the number of viewers when you share numerous photos and videos in a single post. Also, keep in mind that Instagram only counts the ones that have been viewed through the Instagram app—because of that, embedding your post on your blog or website does not guarantee increased views. 

How long do you have to view a story to count as a view?

A video's view count doesn't include video loops, and a view is counted when a video is watched for 3 seconds or more.

Does 30 seconds count as a view?

Views will be counted when: A user watches a complete video ad between 11 and 30 seconds long. A user watches at least 30 seconds of a longer video.

What does top 3 story viewers mean?

The order of Story viewers is based on how your followers interact with your profile on the platform instead of how you engage with these profiles. This means those people who visit your profile the most appear at the top of the list.

Does rewatching a video count as a view?

Do replays count as views on YouTube? Yes, but only if the replays seem natural. If you replay a video once, it will count as a view. However, if you constantly refresh the page to artificially up the view count, YouTube will pinpoint this as a spamming practice (see the Views, reloaded definition above).

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