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  2. Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius
  3. Ok, just started, what's your advice?

Thinboy 4 years ago#1

Been playing FEH (ftp) for the past year and a half, getting a bit burnt out.
Just starting BE, any advice?

Got a 5 star Ashe from the tutorial summon. Is that predetermined or random? How is she?

For example, for those starting in FEH, it's suggested to keep restarting until you get a decent set of heroes from your initials summoning orbs. Anything like that here?

MAZZ0Murder 4 years ago#2

It's pre-determined. Get her to 6* and she's decent for a while.

Though you could keep restarting/re-rolling as we call it until you get a 5* unit. You can use the FFBE wiki to see what unit you might want, though it would take a while to get what you want.

Otherwise, best advice I can give is to be stingy with Lapis, Gil, and tickets until you're going for something you want :P

FFBE Friend code: 683,865,706
SINoALICE (GL) ID: 382746669

TwoBit_Samurai 4 years ago#3

The Ashe is predetermined and comes with every fresh account.

You should have a Five star ticket in the mailbox still, along with a few more tickets. It's easy to reroll until you get a very good/or favorite character.

Here is a quick unit rankings page


Scarlet Arkard/Yojimbo

AGENTDV1 4 years ago#4

Yeah, people would suggest rerolling your account til you get something like 1 5* base such as Basch or Wilhelm (tanks), Veritas of the Dark or Orlandeau or Sephiroth (chainer/damage dealer), Trance Terra or Barbariccia (magic chainer), Ayaka or Lotus Mage Fina (SUPER AMAZING HEALERS), and a lot of others. Ashe is ok, but not something to settle on, and she's a 4* base so I'm not sure you got the right unit in question or maybe made a mistake.

My personal advice is go for one of the chainers I mentioned, and try googling ffbe chainers to see better suggestions, but nabbing any of the ones I specifically mentioned would put you in a very good position to start.

Edit: Wasn't aware Ashe was a freebie starter now, and handed out at 5*. My bad.

Used to advertise my PSN and XBL, learned that both suck, decided to just annoy everyone instead with the lack of useful information here.

TwoBit_Samurai 4 years ago#5

AGENTDV1 posted...

Yeah, people would suggest rerolling your account til you get something like 1 5* base such as Basch or Wilhelm (tanks), Veritas of the Dark or Orlandeau or Sephiroth (chainer/damage dealer), Trance Terra or Barbariccia (magic chainer), Ayaka or Lotus Mage Fina (SUPER AMAZING HEALERS), and a lot of others. Ashe is ok, but not something to settle on, and she's a 4* base so I'm not sure you got the right unit in question or maybe made a mistake.

My personal advice is go for one of the chainers I mentioned, and try googling ffbe chainers to see better suggestions, but nabbing any of the ones I specifically mentioned would put you in a very good position to start.

Edit: Wasn't aware Ashe was a freebie starter now. My had.

He is correct. New accounts get an Ashe(pre-awakened to five star) in the initial summon, instead of Ludmille.

Scarlet Arkard/Yojimbo

AGENTDV1 4 years ago#6

@TwoBit_Samurai yeah, I wasn't aware of that. I edited my original post so people don't get confused. Again, my bad.

Used to advertise my PSN and XBL, learned that both suck, decided to just annoy everyone instead with the lack of useful information here.

Entropical 4 years ago#7

Normal advice: reroll till you get a decent 5* chainer. If anniversary premium ticket is still going, it's a good time to reroll with that.

However, if that isn't the case, rerolls may take longer. Additionally, we haven't got any good banners up ATM (between them. Think the next good one is hyou, who leads all 7* chainers for the next 8 months?).

Don't set your expectations too high though if you're just starting either. 7* units have just begun releasing, and unlocking them takes time, resources and luck, as you need dupes of 5* bases (as with every other gacha game, there's a small % chance to draw the units you want), so don't feel immediately pressured to go straight into that.

FFBE GL: 7* Zeno - 3000 atk
ID: 609680822

Thinboy (Topic Creator)4 years ago#8

So, use whatever summon tickets I have, look over the heroes I get. If I get some I'm happy with, cool, otherwise clear data and reroll.

What's the easiest way to reroll? Is there an option in the app itself to clear data?

Just got the ability to summon. Should I play a bit more into the game to get any easy rewards before I reroll, or is this a good point to do it?

N-K-S 4 years ago#9

The only way to reroll is to link the account to a dummy Facebook account. You summon the units and if they're s*** you just log out through the app (menu - Facebook log out) and then it'll reset the game. You do the tutorial then summon again and if you don't like the units you log into.the dummy Facebook account then log back out and repeat the process

Also just play up to the summon them reroll. Pointless going further

Last Cloudia - 122 963 052

Thinboy (Topic Creator)4 years ago#10

Ok, so what currently is the best banner to summon on now? And what is the difference between rare and standard banners? Seems like some of the standard banners are better than rares.

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  2. Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius
  3. Ok, just started, what's your advice?

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