Open large CSV file in Google Sheets

CSV files are chunks of text used to move data between spreadsheets, databases, and programming languages. Spreadsheet software, like Excel, can have a difficult time opening very large CSVs. I’ll explain why large CSVs are difficult to work with and outline some tools to open big CSV files.

If you're looking to open a large CSV file, CSV Explorer is the simplest and quickest way to open big CSV files.

The Difficulty with Opening Big CSVs in Excel

Open large CSV file in Google Sheets

Spreadsheet software, like Excel and Google Sheets, work by loading entire files into a computer's high speed memory (RAM). Excel is limited to opening CSVs that fit within your computer’s RAM. For most modern computers, that means a limit of about 60,000 to 200,000 rows. Google Sheets runs on Google computers with more RAM and can often open slightly bigger CSV files.

The Tools

Databases and programming languages are able to open enormous data sets by bringing small chunks of a file into RAM as they're needed. Below, I'll outline some popular databases and programming languages to open large CSVs such as shells, SQL databases, & Python.


Shells are computer applications for running software commands. They are good for getting samples of the data and basic searching. They aren't good for numerical analysis.

Mac, Windows, and Linux computers all come with a shell installed. Mac computers come with the Terminal application. Windows comes with PowerShell. Here are some popular commands for working with big CSVs in the shell.

Windows PowerShell

# Print the first 100 lines of big_file.csv:
Get-Content -First 100 'C:\Users\jason\Desktop\big_file.csv'

# Print the last 100 lines of big_file.csv
Get-Content -Last 100 'C:\Users\jason\Desktop\big_file.csv'

# Print lines that contain the word "Utah"
Get-Content 'C:\Users\jason\Desktop\big_file.csv' | Select-String "Utah"

# Get the first 100 lines of big_file.csv and write them to a new file, sample.csv
Get-Content -First 100 'C:\Users\jason\Desktop\big_file.csv' | Out-File 'C:\Users\jason\Desktop\sample.csv'

# Count the number of lines in big_file.csv (3 separate commands)
# Note that we tell the PowerShell to count in chunks of 2,000 rows
$count = 0
Get-Content '.\big_file.csv' -ReadCount 2000 | foreach { $Count += $_.count }

Mac Terminal

# Count the number of lines in big_file.csv
wc -l /Users/jason/Desktop/big_file.csv

# Print the first 100 lines of big_file.csv
head -100 /Users/jason/Desktop/big_file.csv

# Print the last 100 lines of big_file.csv
tail -100 /Users/jason/Desktop/big_file.csv

# Print lines that contain the word "Utah"
grep Utah /Users/jason/Desktop/big_file.csv

# Get the first 100 lines of big_file.csv and write them to a new file, sample.csv
head -100 /Users/jason/Desktop/big_file.csv > /Users/jason/Desktop/sample.csv

SQL Databases

SQL Databases are applications for querying, aggregating, and updating rows of data. They can be difficult to set up but are remarkably powerful. If you’re planning on using your CSV in a software application or connecting your CSV to a Business Intelligence tool, you should load your CSV into a SQL database. Many BI tools can import CSVs but the tools often have size limits.

SQL stands for Structured Query Language and is a standard for querying data across many databases. The most Popular open-source SQL databases are MySQL and PostgreSQL. Loading a CSV into PostgreSQL or MySQL requires 3 (not-so-easy) steps.

  1. Create and connect to a database: Install a database locally (not recommended) or use a cloud database like Amazon’s RDS or
  2. Create the table and schema: Databases are strict about datatypes and require you to define which columns contain text, numbers, and dates.
    CREATE TABLE Flights(Airline TEXT, Flight_Time INT, Departure_Date TIMESTAMP);
  3. Load the CSV: Use the database's commands to import the CSV to your new table. COPY in PostgreSQL and LOAD in MySQL.
    COPY Flights from 'FlightData.csv' CSV HEADER;

Be sure to use the COPY and LOAD commands and not # Count the number of lines in big_file.csv (3 separate commands)
# Note that we tell the PowerShell to count in chunks of 2,000 rows
$count = 0
Get-Content '.\big_file.csv' -ReadCount 2000 | foreach { $Count += $_.count }
0, which will be much slower on large CSVs.

Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access is Microsoft's desktop database tool. It comes with a user interface for importing CSVs and querying them. You can also write SQL in Access and connect Access to Excel. Access is included in the Microsoft Office Professional Suite or can be downloaded here. See Microsoft's documentation on importing CSVs into Access.


Python is a general-purpose programming language and contains many of the same functions as SQL. It's easier to load a CSV into Python than into a database. Python is the tool-of-choice for many data scientists and statisticians. There are several Python tools for working with large CSVs: the native CSV module, Pandas, and csvkit. CSV Explorer uses Python to parse large CSVs before loading them into a database.

Python comes pre-installed on Mac computers, and can be opened by opening the Terminal and typing # Count the number of lines in big_file.csv (3 separate commands)
# Note that we tell the PowerShell to count in chunks of 2,000 rows
$count = 0
Get-Content '.\big_file.csv' -ReadCount 2000 | foreach { $Count += $_.count }
1. For Windows, you can download Python here. To read large files in either the native CSV module or Pandas, use chunksize to read small parts of the file at time.

Other programming languages like , , and Matlab have similar functions for opening and analyzing CSVs.

CSV Explorer is a tool for opening, searching, aggregating, and plotting big CSV files. Behind the scenes, it uses a combination of Python and SQL to open big CSVs.

How do I open a 5gb CSV file?

How to Open Really Large Text and CSV Files.
Method #1: Using Free Editors. The best way to view extremely large text files is to use… a text editor. ... .
Method #2: Split Into Multiple Parts. ... .
Method #3: Import Into a Database. ... .
Method #4: Analyze With Python Libraries. ... .
Method #5: With Premium Tools..

What is the maximum CSV size for Google Sheets?

Uploaded spreadsheet files that are converted to Google spreadsheets format can't be larger than 20MB, and need to be under 400,000 cells and 256 columns/sheet. 40,000 of your cells can have formulas. Certain formulas have their own specific limits, too, to make sure that even complex spreadsheets stay fast.

How do I import large data into Google Sheets?

Import data sets & spreadsheets.
On your computer, open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets..
Open or create a sheet..
At the top, click File. Import..
Choose a non-password-protected file in one of these file types: . ... .
Select an import option. ... .
Optional: If you import a plain text file, like . ... .
Click Import..

Can Excel Open CSV with more than 1 million rows?

csv files have a limit of 32,767 characters per cell. Excel has a limit of 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns per sheet. CSV files can hold many more rows. You can read more about these limits and others from this Microsoft support article here.