How to stop being a supporter on facebook

How do I manage my Subscriptions on Facebook?

To view your list of subscribers, go to your profile (Timeline) and click on the Subscribers box. If you change your mind and want to turn off public subscriptions, just click on the Settings button and under the Subscribers section, click the drop-down box and select Off, then click the OK button.

What does becoming a supporter on Facebook mean?

You can use Subscriptions to support some creators on Facebook by paying a monthly subscription fee. This subscription fee gives you access to exclusive content and other items, such as a badge, that identify you as a supporter. Some creators may also offer their subscribers discounts on merchandise and other products.

What is a supporter badge on Facebook?

Other supporter benefits include exclusive content, live videos, merchandise discounts, and more. Supporter Badge: a badge that all supporters receive. It appears next to their name when they comment on the Page admin's posts or live videos.

How do I cancel my marketplace subscription on Facebook?

Tap in the top right of Facebook. Scroll down and tap Settings, then tap Payments. Tap the order you want to cancel. Scroll down and tap Cancel order.