How to automatically copy rows to another worksheet based on text?

My Aswer Is This said:

This is possible to specify sheets. And have drop down to select from.
But it depends on number of sheets. At least for me. There are others on the forum who can do a lot more then me.

So the drop down would be easy. But the sheet names may be a problem.
Are you talking about sheet name Alpha and Bravo and Echo and Mary and Jane and more and more.
for one value and another list of names for another value?
Are you wanting to run the script only once to do all these different possibilities

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Was going to have about 10 sheets overall. Out of the 10 sheets I was going to have Sheets being U1 U2 U3 U4 and U5. In each sheet U1 was going to have MD1 and BM1 and then in sheet U2 have MD2 and BM2 etc. I was then hoping to be able to mix and match as required ie sometime might need MD4 (which would be in sheet U4) and BM2 (in sheet U2).


With the Move rows and Copy rows actions, you can automatically move or copy a row to another sheet when conditions are met. Here’s an example:

  1. A procurement request is submitted to your sheet through a form.
  2. After adding details to the request, you assign this request to your IT team.
  3. The IT manager approves the request.
  4. The row containing the procurement request is automatically moved to an active IT project sheet for further action.

To create a workflow that automatically moves or copies rows, both you and the owner of the source sheet must have Owner- or Admin-level sharing permissions to the destination sheet.

Set up an automated move or copy rows action

In your source sheet:

  1. Create a new workflow, and set up the workflow triggers and conditions.
  2. In the Select an action box, select Move rows or Copy rows.
  3. Under Move rows or Copy rows, choose Select a sheet.
  4. In the Select a sheet dialog, choose your destination sheet, and then select OK.

To prevent infinite approval loops, cells which contain cross-sheet formulas or won’t trigger an automation that automatically changes the sheet (Move Row, Copy Row, Lock Row, Unlock Row, or Approval Request). To work around this, consider using time-based automation or recurrence workflows.

Things to know about moving rows and copying rows between sheets

Keep the following in mind when moving or copying rows between sheets:

  • When you move rows between sheets: 
    • The moved rows will be deleted from the source sheet and added to the destination sheet, and 
    • The history for cells in the rows will still be available. 
  • When you copy rows between sheets: 
    • The copied rows will be retained in the source sheet and added to the destination sheet, and
    • The cell history will not be maintained in the destination sheet.
  • You’ll find moved or copied rows at the bottom of the destination sheet, which you can select and drag to a different location.
  • Any attachments or comments on the row will be moved automatically to the destination sheet.
  • Any formulas in the row will be replaced with static values in the destination sheet.
  • If the source sheet contains columns the destination sheet doesn’t have, these columns will be automatically created in the destination sheet when a row is moved or copied.

When you move rows or copy rows with system or baseline columns

  • If a column exists on the destination sheet but not on the source sheet, the Created By column will note the date/time when the row was moved or copied.
  • The Created By column will show the user who moved or copied the row. If the row was moved or copied by automation, it will display
  • If a column exists on both the destination and the source sheet, the value from the source sheet will carry over to the destination sheet. Unlike other column types, the column names do not need to match.

If a system column or a baseline column has a name that matches a column with a different column type (dropdown, text/number, etc.), you may encounter the following errors:

  • Rows can't be added to the destination sheet because a column has the same name as a system column on the source sheet.
  • Rows can't be added to the destination sheet because a system column has the same name as a column on the source sheet.

To resolve this, you can either rename one of the columns or change the column type so it matches the source sheet.

Linking data in a real data set is more complex and depends on your situation. You might need to use techniques other than those listed above. If you are in a rush and want your problem answered by an Excel expert, try our service. The experts are available to help you 24/7. The first question is free.

How to automatically Copy rows in Excel to another sheet based on criteria?

Set up an automated move or copy rows action In the Select an action box, select Move rows or Copy rows. Under Move rows or Copy rows, choose Select a sheet. In the Select a sheet dialog, choose your destination sheet, and then select OK.

How do you Copy a row if it contains certain text to another worksheet?

Use the shortcut CTRL C to copy the data (this will copy visible records only) Navigate to the worksheet that you want to copy the records to. Click in the cell that you want to paste your records into. Use the shortcut CTRL V or ENTER to paste the copied records.

How do I pull data from one Excel sheet to another based on criteria?

To pull data from another sheet by using cell references in Excel:.
Click in the cell where you want the pulled data to appear..
Type = (equals sign) followed by the name of the sheet you want to pull data from. ... .
Type ! ... .
Press Enter..
The value from your other sheet will now appear in the cell..

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