How do you remove someone from a Facebook group 2022?

Remove Someone from Facebook Group: Facebook lets its users create groups to share interesting posts, photos, videos, stories, make events, and even connect with like-minded people. It gives the users the freedom to be a part of groups that they like and are interested in.

However, if you’re managing a group and feel that there are some people making others uncomfortable or are sharing posts that go against the policies of your group, then you can remove or block that member from the group.

If you’re new to Facebook, this guide will tell you how to remove someone from the Facebook group and also delete their posts and comments.

But you need to keep in mind that you should be the group owner, moderator, or have the admin rights to do so.

Here you can also find a complete guide on how to remove someone from Facebook group without them knowing.

Sound’s good? Let’s get started.

  • Open the Facebook app and log in to your account.
  • Go to the group whose member you want to remove.
  • Tap on the Members option and you will see the list of people who joined the group.
  • Click on the three dots next to the member and tap on remove member.
  • Check the boxes if you wish to delete posts, comments, and pending member invites.
  • That’s it, the person was successfully removed from the group.

How to Remove Someone from Facebook Group If You Are Not Admin

Unfortunately, you can not remove someone from the Facebook group if you are not an admin. You must have the admin or moderator right to remove someone from the group.


You can also remove that particular person from other Groups that you manage. Click on the option that lets you apply these changes to other groups that you manage.

If you wish to block that member, you can also click on the check box next to the ‘Block Permanently’ option and then click on confirm. Blocked members will not be able to find.

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Facebook is one of the original pioneers of the social media outrage that has consumed almost every digitally literate person in varying degrees. This social media platform had its humble beginnings as a site where college students could exchange information, media, and whatnot. However, over time, Facebook improved and introduced a plethora of fresh new features such as Facebook groups, marketplace, messenger, and so on.

In our blog today, we are going to concern our social media-loving selves with certain features of Facebook groups. Our main focus will remain on how you can add or invite new members to a group and occasionally kick some troublemakers out as well, preferably without them knowing it was you. Who’d want to hold grudges anyway? Especially against ourselves. So, let’s dive in!

Yes, it is possible to remove a person from a Facebook Group. A Facebook group is like a virtual hangout for people of similar proclivities, humor, knowledge lust, and so on. A creator or an admin of a Facebook group can add or remove members using invite links and accepting requests to enter the group. You can control who can post material on the Facebook group as well.

The admin can even kick the unwanted person out of the Facebook group without them knowing. Facebook does not bother to send them a notification that they have been kicked out. They will only find out that they are no longer a part of that Facebook group when they want to post something and would be unable to.

How to Remove Someone from Facebook Group Without Them Knowing

Here’s a step-by-step instruction for removing someone from a Facebook group. However, keep in mind that only group moderators have the ability to delete or block members from a Facebook group.

Step 1: Log in to your Facebook account on the web browser of your computer.

Step 2: From your Newsfeed main page, click on the Facebook Groups option and choose your group.

Step 3: Click on the Members option after you’ve chosen a group.

Step 4: Locate the member you wish to unsubscribe from the Facebook group.

Step 5: Next, pick Remove Member from the three dots (…) next to the member’s name.

Step 6: If you want to delete posts, comments, and pending member invites from the individual you wish to remove or block, click on the option saying so.

Note: You may also remove this individual from other Facebook groups you manage. Choose the option saying: apply these changes to other groups you manage.

Step 7: To permanently block a member, tick the box next to Block Permanently.

Step 8: Finally, press the Confirm button.

To be clear, the three dots (…) that show up next to Facebook group members’ names will only be visible to the Facebook group admins. Let’s hope that the group admins make good use of this knowledge and clean up their Facebook groups of unwanted members.

What if Removed Member Sends Request to Join Facebook Group Again?

While kicking someone out of a Facebook group might sound like a fun idea, having to admit it to their face is a whole other thing. What would you do if this member asks to join the group again?

Well, there is a provision of blocking a member of a Facebook while removing them from a Facebook group. When the admin of a Facebook group decides to remove a member from a group, they will no longer be able to participate in any Facebook group discussions.

Additionally, they will not post anything on the Facebook group but will see that they are no longer a member of it when they search for it.

The admin of a Facebook group can use the block feature, which will kick the member out and make the Facebook group invisible to them. It will be as if the Facebook group never existed for the kicked and blocked person.

One more thing you can do as an admin or a moderator of a Facebook group is to hide your badges of admin or moderator. So, even if former Facebook group members discover that they have been kicked out, they will not know who that Facebook group’s admin was, giving you possible deniability.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I remove someone from the Facebook group without being an admit?

No. The admin of the Facebook group is the only person who can remove someone from the group. However, if the Facebook group creator makes you the admin, you can remove anyone from the group as well. 

What happens when a Facebook group member is removed?

If the removed members of a Facebook group would want to re-join the Facebook group again, they will need to submit a new request for it, and wait for the admin’s approval. However, the members who have been blocked won’t be able to discover the Facebook group in search or read any of its material, and they won’t be able to be invited back by other members.

Can members find out who removed them from the Facebook group?

If you are still unsure whether the members you removed from the Facebook group could find out about it or not, you can always exercise the block option. Once the members have been blocked, they will have no way of discovering the Facebook group that were part of again.


Concluding the content of this blog, let us summarize in brief what we have learned. 

We began by discussing how you can remove existing members of a Facebook group without them getting a notification about it. We also learned how you could delete that member from any other Facebook group you administer as well. And if you want to block that person from the Facebook group, you’d have to select the box next to the Block Permanently option and confirm your action when prompted.

If you discovered the solution you were seeking by reading our blog, we’d love to hear about it in the comments area below.

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How do I remove unavailable members from a Facebook group?

Go into your community and click “members”.
Click “unavailable” on the right-hand side..
Click the 3 dots next to the member and select “remove from group”.

Can an admin remove the creator of a Facebook group 2022?

Keep in mind that once you remove someone from being an admin, they'll no longer be able to remove members or admins, add new admins or edit the group description and settings. If the group creator is an admin of the group, they can't be removed as an admin unless they leave the group on their own. Was this helpful?

How to remove someone from Facebook?

How do I unfriend or remove a friend on Facebook?.
Go to that profile by typing their profile name into the search bar at the top of Facebook..
Click at the top of their profile..
Click Unfriend, then Confirm..

When you remove someone from a Facebook group do they get notified?

Note: People won't receive a notification that they've been removed.

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