How do I select text in CSS selector?

Unfortunately, it's impossible to select values by text using standard CSS selectors. However, many CSS selector clients used in web scraping implement extra functions to enable this useful functionality. For more see:

In this article, we will learn about CSS selectors for elements containing certain text. Selectors are used to finding the HTML elements you want to style. We can achieve this task by using an attribute-value selector.

CSS [attribute-value] Selector: In the [attribute-value] selector, you can choose any attribute name from the HTML document and the name of the value. After providing the appropriate attribute and value, the parser will find that attribute with that value and accordingly change as per the CSS property or rule.

CSS attribute selector is used to targeting an input text fields. The input text fields of type ‘text’ can be targeting by using input[type=text].

Note: It is specified that the default attribute values may not always be selectable with attribute selectors, one could try to cover other cases of markup for which text inputs are rendered.

  • input:not([type]): It is used when type attribute is not present in the markup.
  • input[type = “”]: It is used when type attribute is present, but empty.
  • input[type = text]: It is used when type attribute is explicitly defined as ‘text’.

Example 1: This example selects the input text fields and use some CSS property.

<!DOCTYPE html>






















< 8>

    <<2 <3<4<5 <6<4<8 <9<4head1>

The ::selection CSS pseudo-element applies styles to the part of a document that has been highlighted by the user (such as clicking and dragging the mouse across text).

Only certain CSS properties can be used with ::selection:

  • color
  • background-color
  • text-decoration and its associated properties
  • text-shadow
  • This text has special styles when you highlight it. <p>Also try selecting text in this paragraph.</p> 0, This text has special styles when you highlight it. <p>Also try selecting text in this paragraph.</p> 1 and This text has special styles when you highlight it. <p>Also try selecting text in this paragraph.</p> 2

In particular, This text has special styles when you highlight it. <p>Also try selecting text in this paragraph.</p> 3 is ignored.


This text has special styles when you highlight it. <p>Also try selecting text in this paragraph.</p>

::-moz-selection { color: gold; background-color: red; } p::-moz-selection { color: white; background-color: blue; }

/* Make selected text gold on a red background */ ::selection { color: gold; background-color: red; } /* Make selected text in a paragraph white on a blue background */ p::selection { color: white; background-color: blue; }

Don't override selected text styles for purely aesthetic reasons — users can customize them to suit their needs. For people experiencing cognitive concerns or who are less technologically literate, unexpected changes to selection styles may hurt their understanding of the functionality.

If overridden, it is important to ensure that the contrast ratio between the text and background colors of the selection is high enough that people experiencing low vision conditions can read it.

Color contrast ratio is found by comparing the luminosity of the selected text and the selected text background colors. To meet current Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), text content must have a contrast ratio of 4.5:1, or 3:1 for larger text such as headings. (WCAG defines large text as between This text has special styles when you highlight it. <p>Also try selecting text in this paragraph.</p> 4 and This text has special styles when you highlight it. <p>Also try selecting text in this paragraph.</p> 5 and bold, or This text has special styles when you highlight it. <p>Also try selecting text in this paragraph.</p> 5 or larger.)

How do I get text in CSS selector?

CSS Selector - Inner text.
The inner texts are the string patterns that the HTML tag manifests on the web page..
Syntax: css=<HTML tag><:><contains><("inner text")>.
':' is used to symbolize contains method..

Can we use text in CSS selector?

Using the CSS selectors or XPath, we can locate elements based on their text contents. In this recipe, we will explore methods to locate elements using text values.

How do you target text in CSS?

CSS attribute selector is used to targeting an input text fields. The input text fields of type 'text' can be targeting by using input[type=text].

How to use text in CSS selector selenium?

Type “css=input[type='submit']” (locator value) in Selenium IDE. Click on the Find Button. The “Sign in” button will be highlighted, verifying the locator value. Attribute: Used to create the CSS Selector.

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