How do I filter members of a Facebook group?

Facebook groups offer two levels of posting permissions. In unfiltered groups, any member can post content to the group's wall. In filtered groups, only group admins have this privilege. For example, if a single team in your company works on a project, they can exchange files and converse on a filtered group wall as admins without interference from outsiders. Others in the company, or even the general public, can view the group's posts without adding content of their own.

Step 1

Log in to Facebook and open your group's page.

Step 2

Click the gear icon and then click "Edit Group Settings" to open the group's settings page.

Step 3

Click the radio button labeled "Only administrators can post to the group" in the Posting Permissions section.

Step 4

Click "Save" to filter the group's posts.




  • Posting Permissions do not determine who can view posts. To edit post visibility, edit the Privacy section of the group's Settings page.

Writer Bio

Ryan Menezes is a professional writer and blogger. He has a Bachelor of Science in journalism from Boston University and has written for the American Civil Liberties Union, the marketing firm InSegment and the project management service Assembla. He is also a member of Mensa and the American Parliamentary Debate Association.

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Facebook group pages can be a great place to for people with similar interests to exchange ideas, photos and other information. When a discussion gets out of hand or members begin to abuse their posting privileges, though, the experience can be ruined for everyone. If you're a group admin you can put the brakes on this type of behavior by filtering posts before they make it on the page.

Step 1

Click "Home" on your Facebook toolbar, and then select the name of the group from the sidebar.

Step 2

Click the gear-shaped icon near the top of the page and select "Edit Group Settings."

Step 3

Check the box next to "All Group Posts Must Be Approved By an Admin," and click "Save."

Step 4

Check the group page periodically for an alert at the top of the page that indicates new messages have been posted and are awaiting approval. Click the alert to see the new messages.

Step 5

Review each message, and then click the button with the check mark to approve the message, or click the button with the "X" to delete the message. You can also select the button with the circle to delete the message and ban the author from the group. If you approve someone's post, you can also click the "Automatically Approve" link to give the author permission to make future posts without prior approval.


Writer Bio

Alan Sembera began writing for local newspapers in Texas and Louisiana. His professional career includes stints as a computer tech, information editor and income tax preparer. Sembera now writes full time about business and technology. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from Texas A&M University.

This is a guide on how to view the members of a Facebook group.

This is especially useful if you are a group administrator or if you need to check to see if any of your friends have joined.

Viewing group members on the Facebook mobile app.

On the Facebook mobile app, a short preview of the member list appears at the top of the group. This list currently sits to the left of the blue “Invite” button.

To view the “Members” section, simply click on the profile picture with the three dots on it.

Click on the section that the red arrow is pointing towards.

Once you click on the faded-out profile photo, the app will bring you into the “Members” area.

An example of what this page looks like.

Here, you will be able to search the group for a certain member. If you scroll down, you will notice that Facebook has placed group members into different types of categories.

For example, underneath your profile, you will see a list of the admins and moderators. These are the people who manage the group. In other words, they can remove posts, delete comments and approve people’s requests to join.

Further down, you will see other categories.

For example.

  • Members with things in common: These are people who you share mutual friends with.
  • People who live in your hometown.
  • Facebook pages that have joined the group.
  • New to the group: These are people who have recently joined. Note that if this list is particularly long, you can keep scrolling down and the app will continue to load more profiles.


On a desktop PC, it is pretty straight-forward, as there is a “Members” option at the top of the group.

Note that these buttons can be in a different order. Facebook may also rearrange them from time-to-time.

In certain cases, you may need to click on the “More” option in order to find this button. This is because different groups can have different tabs enabled.

Why can’t I see a list of all members?

In the past, Facebook allowed you to view all members in one big list that was in alphabetical order. However, this has since changed. Nowadays, in big groups, you pretty much have to search for a specific person in order to find them.

It is likely that these changes occurred due to privacy concerns.

Who can view this list?

If the group in question is private, then only current members will be able to view the list. However, if the group is public, then the list will be open for everyone to see.

Can you search members of a Facebook group?

Tap in the top right of Facebook, then scroll down to Groups, tap Groups at the top and select your group. Tap the name of the group and select Members.

How do I sort Facebook group members?

Currently, when you visit a group, you have the option to sort group posts by recent activity or new posts..
From your News Feed, click Groups in the left menu and select your group..
Click Sort above group posts..
Select Top Posts, New Posts or Recent Activity..

Can you bulk remove members from Facebook group?

Step 1: Before deleting the group, you need to remove all the members. Go to the group management page and click the Members heading in the main window. Step 2: Click the three dots next to the members you want to remove, then select “remove from group”.

How do you remove members from a group?

Using Google Groups.
Sign in to Google Groups..
Click the name of a group..
On the left, click Members..
Point to each member you want to remove. check the box next to their name..
At the top right, click Remove member. OK to confirm..

How do I get a list of members in a Facebook page?

Anyone on Facebook can see the member lists of public groups. In private groups, you have to be a member to see the member list..
Tap. in the top right of Facebook, then tap Groups and select your group..
Tap the name of the group and select Group info..
Tap Members..

How do I edit group settings on Facebook?

Tap on the small arrow next to the group name. Step 3: You will see all the features and options related to the group. Tap on Edit group settings. You can customize group name, privacy, type, description, and membership approval from the settings screen.

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