Goddess Festival Harvest Moon Back To Nature

Harvest Moon Back to Nature - Goddess Festival

There is a festival called Goddess Festival, and you can ask one of the girls in village, but you have to earn her heart first, if her heart is black, she won't go with you. But she'll still be in the festival, though.

If you want to ask a girl to go to the GF with you, you can ask the day before the event, no need to give or show her anything, the option will pop-up automatically whenever you talk with her.


So, here is what happen after the Goddess Festival, if you go there by yourself, you'll go home after the festival. But when you go to the festival with a girl, she'll take you somewhere after the festival! I think it's getting a bit boring and complicated ....     >_<       This is the list:

Elli                  :      lake
Karen             :        inn
             Mary              :       mother's hill
     Popuri            :        beach

Sometimes I think the reason why Popuri picks the beach is because of Kai ... Hmm ...   >_<



1st Spring, New Years Day[edit]

  • Location: Rose Square, Inn

Spend New Year's at Rose Square dancing with any of the eligible bachelorettes by a bonfire at night, or the Inn drinking with the adults. The protagonist misses out on the celebrations in the first year due to being too busy unpacking.

8th Spring, Goddess Festival[edit]

  • Location: Rose Square

In celebration of the Harvest Goddess, young girls of the village gather in Rose Square to perform a dance in her honour. The protagonist is able to escort any of the girls to the festival by asking them the day before, and they will accept if their heart level is high enough. On the morning of the festival, they will come to his farm and wait for him to finish his work until they go to the festival together. After, whichever girl that the protagonist asked, Ann, Elli, Karen, Mary or Popuri will take the protagonist to their favorite spot, the Church, Lake, Inn, Flower Field or Waterfall respectfully, where they will talk with him personally.

14th Spring, Thanksgiving Festival[edit]

  • Location: Whole Town

A festival in which the protagonist can bake Cookies to gift to those that he likes. The festival has no location or time, so the player can gift his baked goods to those anytime that he can see them.

18th Spring, Local Horse Race[edit]

  • Location: Rose Square

The protagonist can watch the races, bet on horses for prizes and/or enter himself. The day continues to pass after each race. The more the character befriends his horse, the easier it is to win the race.

22nd Spring, Cooking Festival[edit]

  • Location: Rose Square

After acquiring the First House Extension and buying the cooking utensils, the player is able to cook dishes for the cooking festival. The dishes are judged by the renowned Gourmet, who will announce the winner for their prize.


1st Summer, Opening Day[edit]

  • Location: Beach

To celebrate the beginning of Summer, Mineral Town holds a swimming contest at their beach. Rick referees the race while the protagonist competes against Cliff, the Doctor, Gray, Harris, Jeff and Kai for the winning prize. The key to winning the race is timing breaths and strokes. What's recommended to do is swim without letting the face meter go orange, then charging at the end.

7th Summer, Chicken Festival[edit]

  • Location: Rose Square

People gather at the stadium in Rose Square to compete against each other and their chicken's. By entering, the player must win numerous matches to win the prize. By entering a chicken with a high amount of hearts, it's easier to win the prize. In ("Chicken Sumo"), the player has to scare the other chicken off the stage by cheering it on. If the character's chicken is the winner, they will continue to lay golden eggs.

12th Summer, Tomato Festival[edit]

  • Location: Rose Square

A competitive festival in which the player can choose to join any one of the three teams, Ann, Doug, Gray, Elli, May, Stu or Kai, Rick and Popuri.

20th Summer, Cow Festival[edit]

  • Location: Yodel Ranch

A festival in which the protagonist can enter his cow in. They are judged, and the best cow wins. By entering a cow with a high amount of hearts, it's easier to win the prize. If the character's cow wins, they will continue to produce golden milk.

24th Summer, Fireworks Display[edit]

  • Location: Beach

While nearing the end of Summer, Mineral Town holds a fireworks display at the beach. The protagonist can ask any one of the bachelorettes, Ann, Elli, Karen, Mary or Popuri to watch the display with him at the docks. The player can also invite Kai, though only if he is befriended and asked a few days prior to the event.


3rd Fall Music Festival[edit]

  • Location: Church

Once the player exists the farm house Pastor Carter will arrive and request that he partakes in the Music Festival tomorrow. If he accepts, later that evening he will perform the ocarina alongside Ann and Elli, who play the flute, Mary, the organist, and Karen, the singer.

9th Fall, Harvest Festival[edit]

  • Location: Rose Square

Bring an ingrediant to throw into the big stew for the Harvest Festival. Depending on what ingrediant was shared, the villagers will comment on whether it tasted good or not afterwards.

12th, Fall Moon Viewing Day[edit]

  • Location: Mothers Peak

On the peak of Mothers Hill, the player arrives to watch the full moon together with the girl whom he has the highest affection with. Either Ann, Elli, Mary, Karen or Popuri.

21st Fall, Sheep Festival[edit]

  • Location: Yodel Ranch

A festival in which the protagonist can enter his sheep in, and only if they currently have wool on them. They are judged, and the best sheep wins. By entering a sheep with a high amount of hearts, it's easier to win the prize. If the character's sheep wins, they will continue to produce golden fleece.


10th Winter Dog Race[edit]

  • Location: Rose Square

The protagonist can watch the races, bet on dogs for prizes and/or enter himself by accepting Zack to take his dog the day before. The more the character befriends his dog, and playing fetch with him with the ball bought from Won, the easier it is to win the race.

14th Winter Winter Thanksgiving[edit]

  • Location: Whole Town

On this day, the girls of the village give sweets to the ones they admire. When unmarried, the admirers, Ann, Elli, Mary, Karen and/or Popuri, will come to the farm house and give the protagonist a piece of Chocolate if they're affection is at a blue heart. It is the only way to acquire Chocolate in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. If married, the player's wife will leave a Chocolate Cake in their rucksack.

24th Winter Star Night Festival[edit]

  • Location: Farm House, Ann's House, Elli's House, Mary's House, Karen's House, Popuri's House

By speaking to any one of the bachelorettes, Ann, Elli, Mary, Karen or Popuri, if at a high enough affection they will invite the protagonist to their home the day before to celebrate the Star Night Festival with her and her family. If married, the Star Night Festival will be spent at home with the player's wife, and child.

30th Winter New Years Party[edit]

  • Location: Mothers Peak

The resolution of the year is celebrated at Mothers Hill. The villagers watch the sun set and discuss the next year to come.

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