Contoh percakapan bahasa indonesia 2 orang tentang kegiatan sehari-hari panjang

Jakarta -

Belajar bahasa Inggris bisa dimulai setiap saat dengan temanmu. Melatih kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris penting untuk membuat kamu langsung praktik materi yang baru dipelajari.

Percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris singkat bisa kamu gunakan di awal praktik bicara dengan teman atau orang yang kamu temui di sekitar. Kamu bisa praktik saat menelepon teman, video call, ke kafe, ke supermarket, ke perpustakaan, dan lain-lain.

Belajar bahasa Inggris 2 orang atau lebih sehari-hari bisa jadi cara fluent bahasa Inggris dengan baik. Biar makin lancar, berikut beberapa contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris dalam berbagai topik yang bisa kamu gunakan sehari-hari.

1. Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris saat belajar bersama teman

Khansa: How are you, Mal? Thank you for joining me in Zoom today.

Malika: I'm fine, how about you? Anytime.

Khansa: I'm fine too. So, let's learn physics for today?

Malika: Sure, are we going to learn the fifth chapter now?

Khansa: Yes, I still cannot understand the formula.

Malika: Let me see. Oh, I don't understand it either . Shall we text Mrs. Hendrina to explain this one?

Khansa: Is that allowed?

Malika: Yes, remember Mrs. Hendrina mentioned that we can contact her when we find something difficult in the book? Let's contact her.

Khansa: Good idea.

2. Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris saat selesai ujian dengan teman

Fajar: How's your test today?

Didit: I don't know. History is quite difficult for me. So many chapters to read, so many years to remember. I've read all of the chapters but I don't think I remember it right.

Fajar: But you've read all the chapters. I didn't finish the last three chapters. I also forgot to read the note Mr. Sal gave us to learn last week.

Didit: The note? I forgot too.

Fajar: Khansa told me that many questions came from the note.

Didit: It's okay, let's do better in physics test tomorrow. You should be more prepared for this one.

Fajar: I hope so. I've finished the lessons in the whole chapters.

Didit: Really? Can you teach me how to do the lessons in chapter four ?

Fajar: Sure, let's review the chapter four this evening.

Didit: Thank you!

3. Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris saat di supermarket

Anita: Can we make a spring roll for snack, Mom?

Mother: Sure, can you look for a pack of rice wrap? I will look for some vegetables to fill the roll.

Anita: Okay. What vegetable do you need to make a spring roll?

Mother: Grandma and me used to have a chopped cabbage, carrot, and chicken in the roll. What do you want for the filling?

Anita: May I use beef bacon instead of chicken? I want sweet potato too in my roll.

Mother: Sure, let's get some beef bacon. How about the dip? Do you want the peanut sauce?

Anita: How about chili sauce?

Mother: Alright! Please grab two tomatoes at the aisle 2, I'll grab some chili at the aisle 3. I'll meet you at the aisle 2, okay?

Anita: Okay, Mom.

4. Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris dengan guru

Fildzah: Mrs. Cath, I'm scared that I cannot pass the university entrance exam. It makes me awake at night.

Teacher: Are you feeling fine right now? Are your head hurt?

Fildzah: Not really, but I cannot focus lately.

Teacher: How about your Mom and Dad? Did they say something?

Fildzah: They don't know. I don't want them to be concerned.

Teacher: How about Tiara and Syifa? Did you share your struggle?

Fildzah: I did, they consoled me and gave me a cup of hot tea last night. But I saw Syifa watching a chemistry video before sleeping, then I felt bad that I cannot maintain my focus.

Teacher: It's okay, we've all been there. Would you like to see the school psychologist?

Fildzah: I'd love to.

Teacher: Okay let's call the office first.

5. Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris di kafe

Waiter: Hello! What would you like to order today?

Sita: Hi, I would like an iced caramel latte, please.

Waiter: Sure, would you like to custom with less ice or less sugar?

Sita: No, but kindly add a whipped cream, please.

Waiter: Sure, would you like to order a brunch menu? We apply 30 percent off for today's menu.

Sita: Cool, I want a salami mushroom panini.

Waiter: Great. Do you want tomato sauce on the side?

Sita: No, just chili sauce.

Waiter: Noted, so it's seventy five thousands rupiah, we accept all cashless payments.

Sita: Okay here's my card.

Waiter: Okay, this is your food and drink. Have a good day!

Sita: Have a good day!

6. Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang buku

Ika: Do you like reading?

Evelynd: I do, do you?

Ika: I do. How often do you read?

Evelynd: I read a book almost every day before I sleep.

Ika: That's impressive. I barely read after the exam last week, my head still hurts. What's your favorite type of book?

Evelynd: Haha, I usually read a funny novel and some comics after exam. But my favorite books are usually about travelling. Some of them are nonfiction.

Ika: Why? Is it because you like travelling?

Evelynd: I think so. But I think it's also because I could learn many different culture through the stories. Learning becomes more fun that way.

Ika: I see. Where do you usually read books?

Evelynd: Mostly at home, using e-book during the pandemic. But I actually like to buy a physical book at the book store nearby. It's more comfort to see.

Ika: How long does it take to finish a book? Is it different between e-book and physical book?

Evelynd: Well, it depends on the length of the book, but it usually takes me two nights to finish a 300-page book.

7. Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang kenangan masa kecil

Fivo: Did you have a happy childhood?

Nuri: I did, I guess. I enjoyed playing every day with my friends.

Fivo: Did you experience you childhood in a countryside?

Nuri: No, I lived in a city. I spent my childhood in a busy city like we live in today, but there was less pollution back then. I loved playing at the park and having a picnic with my Mom and Dad.

Fivo: Did you usually obey the rules in class?

Nuri: I did, many of my friend did too. But I was really curious about what my other classmates did when they skipped class.

Fivo: I see, you must be so diligent when you were a child. What did you want to be when you were a child?

Nuri: I dreamed of being an architect.

Fivo: Why did you want to be an architect?

Nuri: I thought that I could builds some house for homeless people I saw.

8. Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang film favorit

Master: Do you watch movies using TV?

Nega: No, I don't have TV in my dorm. We usually use smartphones and tablets.

Master: What's your favorite type of movie?

Nega: Young people who try to be better in everything. I also like horror movie.

Master: What movie of that genre do you like?

Nega: I like 'Denias, Singing on the Cloud.

Master: Was the movie adapted from a book?

Nega: I don't know, I don't think so. I like the movie a lot because the actors played the roles very well, and the cinematography is so awesome. The sceneries are breath-taking.

Master: Was the movie recommended by a friend?

Nega: No, my sister told me it's a great movie, so I watched it.

9. Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang hobi

Kania: What is your hobby?

Niomi: I like diving.

Kania: Wow, is your hobby common in your country?

Niomi: I don't know, but I see many people from my country dive during their summer holiday.

Kania: Where is your favorite place to dive?

Niomi: I must say Morotai, North Maluku.

Kania: What's your favorite thing about your diving?

Niomi: There's so many beautiful coral reefs and colorful fishes to see. You can also find a remaining of a crashed airplane from World War II.

Kania: That must be exciting. Is diving expensive?

Niomi: Well, it depends on your budget. I usually save my monthly allowance to dive every year with my friends.

10. Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang pekerjaan dan cita-cita

Vekky: What is your desired job, nuga?

Nuga: Well, my desired job changes in accordance to age. Right now, I want to be a doctor.

Vekky: Why do you want to be a doctor?

Nuga: I want to help people to be healthy, so they can live long and happy.

Vekky: Many doctors continue their study to be a pediatrician, an internist, or an urologist. How about you?

Nuga: I think I want to be a pediatrician, so I can help children to be healthy and grow happily.

Vekky: Is your Mom or Dad a doctor?

Nuga: No, my Mom is a writer and my Dad is an engineer. But they support me to be a doctor.

Vekky: Good to know.

Nah, dari 10 contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris di atas, mana yang jadi kesukaan kamu buat belajar bahasa Inggris? Lanjutkan berlatih percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang hobi atau dengan mencoba topik, situasi, atau tempat berbeda, ya!

Simak Video "Kursus Kerajinan Tangan, Bandung"


Page 2

Jakarta -

Belajar bahasa Inggris bisa dimulai setiap saat dengan temanmu. Melatih kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris penting untuk membuat kamu langsung praktik materi yang baru dipelajari.

Percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris singkat bisa kamu gunakan di awal praktik bicara dengan teman atau orang yang kamu temui di sekitar. Kamu bisa praktik saat menelepon teman, video call, ke kafe, ke supermarket, ke perpustakaan, dan lain-lain.

Belajar bahasa Inggris 2 orang atau lebih sehari-hari bisa jadi cara fluent bahasa Inggris dengan baik. Biar makin lancar, berikut beberapa contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris dalam berbagai topik yang bisa kamu gunakan sehari-hari.

1. Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris saat belajar bersama teman

Khansa: How are you, Mal? Thank you for joining me in Zoom today.

Malika: I'm fine, how about you? Anytime.

Khansa: I'm fine too. So, let's learn physics for today?

Malika: Sure, are we going to learn the fifth chapter now?

Khansa: Yes, I still cannot understand the formula.

Malika: Let me see. Oh, I don't understand it either . Shall we text Mrs. Hendrina to explain this one?

Khansa: Is that allowed?

Malika: Yes, remember Mrs. Hendrina mentioned that we can contact her when we find something difficult in the book? Let's contact her.

Khansa: Good idea.

2. Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris saat selesai ujian dengan teman

Fajar: How's your test today?

Didit: I don't know. History is quite difficult for me. So many chapters to read, so many years to remember. I've read all of the chapters but I don't think I remember it right.

Fajar: But you've read all the chapters. I didn't finish the last three chapters. I also forgot to read the note Mr. Sal gave us to learn last week.

Didit: The note? I forgot too.

Fajar: Khansa told me that many questions came from the note.

Didit: It's okay, let's do better in physics test tomorrow. You should be more prepared for this one.

Fajar: I hope so. I've finished the lessons in the whole chapters.

Didit: Really? Can you teach me how to do the lessons in chapter four ?

Fajar: Sure, let's review the chapter four this evening.

Didit: Thank you!

3. Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris saat di supermarket

Anita: Can we make a spring roll for snack, Mom?

Mother: Sure, can you look for a pack of rice wrap? I will look for some vegetables to fill the roll.

Anita: Okay. What vegetable do you need to make a spring roll?

Mother: Grandma and me used to have a chopped cabbage, carrot, and chicken in the roll. What do you want for the filling?

Anita: May I use beef bacon instead of chicken? I want sweet potato too in my roll.

Mother: Sure, let's get some beef bacon. How about the dip? Do you want the peanut sauce?

Anita: How about chili sauce?

Mother: Alright! Please grab two tomatoes at the aisle 2, I'll grab some chili at the aisle 3. I'll meet you at the aisle 2, okay?

Anita: Okay, Mom.

4. Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris dengan guru

Fildzah: Mrs. Cath, I'm scared that I cannot pass the university entrance exam. It makes me awake at night.

Teacher: Are you feeling fine right now? Are your head hurt?

Fildzah: Not really, but I cannot focus lately.

Teacher: How about your Mom and Dad? Did they say something?

Fildzah: They don't know. I don't want them to be concerned.

Teacher: How about Tiara and Syifa? Did you share your struggle?

Fildzah: I did, they consoled me and gave me a cup of hot tea last night. But I saw Syifa watching a chemistry video before sleeping, then I felt bad that I cannot maintain my focus.

Teacher: It's okay, we've all been there. Would you like to see the school psychologist?

Fildzah: I'd love to.

Teacher: Okay let's call the office first.

5. Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris di kafe

Waiter: Hello! What would you like to order today?

Sita: Hi, I would like an iced caramel latte, please.

Waiter: Sure, would you like to custom with less ice or less sugar?

Sita: No, but kindly add a whipped cream, please.

Waiter: Sure, would you like to order a brunch menu? We apply 30 percent off for today's menu.

Sita: Cool, I want a salami mushroom panini.

Waiter: Great. Do you want tomato sauce on the side?

Sita: No, just chili sauce.

Waiter: Noted, so it's seventy five thousands rupiah, we accept all cashless payments.

Sita: Okay here's my card.

Waiter: Okay, this is your food and drink. Have a good day!

Sita: Have a good day!

6. Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang buku

Ika: Do you like reading?

Evelynd: I do, do you?

Ika: I do. How often do you read?

Evelynd: I read a book almost every day before I sleep.

Ika: That's impressive. I barely read after the exam last week, my head still hurts. What's your favorite type of book?

Evelynd: Haha, I usually read a funny novel and some comics after exam. But my favorite books are usually about travelling. Some of them are nonfiction.

Ika: Why? Is it because you like travelling?

Evelynd: I think so. But I think it's also because I could learn many different culture through the stories. Learning becomes more fun that way.

Ika: I see. Where do you usually read books?

Evelynd: Mostly at home, using e-book during the pandemic. But I actually like to buy a physical book at the book store nearby. It's more comfort to see.

Ika: How long does it take to finish a book? Is it different between e-book and physical book?

Evelynd: Well, it depends on the length of the book, but it usually takes me two nights to finish a 300-page book.

7. Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang kenangan masa kecil

Fivo: Did you have a happy childhood?

Nuri: I did, I guess. I enjoyed playing every day with my friends.

Fivo: Did you experience you childhood in a countryside?

Nuri: No, I lived in a city. I spent my childhood in a busy city like we live in today, but there was less pollution back then. I loved playing at the park and having a picnic with my Mom and Dad.

Fivo: Did you usually obey the rules in class?

Nuri: I did, many of my friend did too. But I was really curious about what my other classmates did when they skipped class.

Fivo: I see, you must be so diligent when you were a child. What did you want to be when you were a child?

Nuri: I dreamed of being an architect.

Fivo: Why did you want to be an architect?

Nuri: I thought that I could builds some house for homeless people I saw.

8. Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang film favorit

Master: Do you watch movies using TV?

Nega: No, I don't have TV in my dorm. We usually use smartphones and tablets.

Master: What's your favorite type of movie?

Nega: Young people who try to be better in everything. I also like horror movie.

Master: What movie of that genre do you like?

Nega: I like 'Denias, Singing on the Cloud.

Master: Was the movie adapted from a book?

Nega: I don't know, I don't think so. I like the movie a lot because the actors played the roles very well, and the cinematography is so awesome. The sceneries are breath-taking.

Master: Was the movie recommended by a friend?

Nega: No, my sister told me it's a great movie, so I watched it.

9. Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang hobi

Kania: What is your hobby?

Niomi: I like diving.

Kania: Wow, is your hobby common in your country?

Niomi: I don't know, but I see many people from my country dive during their summer holiday.

Kania: Where is your favorite place to dive?

Niomi: I must say Morotai, North Maluku.

Kania: What's your favorite thing about your diving?

Niomi: There's so many beautiful coral reefs and colorful fishes to see. You can also find a remaining of a crashed airplane from World War II.

Kania: That must be exciting. Is diving expensive?

Niomi: Well, it depends on your budget. I usually save my monthly allowance to dive every year with my friends.

10. Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang pekerjaan dan cita-cita

Vekky: What is your desired job, nuga?

Nuga: Well, my desired job changes in accordance to age. Right now, I want to be a doctor.

Vekky: Why do you want to be a doctor?

Nuga: I want to help people to be healthy, so they can live long and happy.

Vekky: Many doctors continue their study to be a pediatrician, an internist, or an urologist. How about you?

Nuga: I think I want to be a pediatrician, so I can help children to be healthy and grow happily.

Vekky: Is your Mom or Dad a doctor?

Nuga: No, my Mom is a writer and my Dad is an engineer. But they support me to be a doctor.

Vekky: Good to know.

Nah, dari 10 contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris di atas, mana yang jadi kesukaan kamu buat belajar bahasa Inggris? Lanjutkan berlatih percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang hobi atau dengan mencoba topik, situasi, atau tempat berbeda, ya!

Simak Video "Kursus Kerajinan Tangan, Bandung"

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