Can someone hide their Facebook activity?

By default, all of your recent activities show up in your Facebook Timeline or profile page. If you were recently moved to Timeline, your settings probably changed.  Many people are reporting seeing entire texts of their exchanges with friends on their own wall.  If you want to hide any activities from your wall, here’s how:

Can someone hide their Facebook activity?

1. Log in to your Facebook account.
2. Find the “Activity Recent” section on the page.
3. Click the “X” on any activity type you want to hide to remove it.
4. Click “Hide from Timeline” to hide only that one activity.
4. Click “Hide Similar Activity from Timeline” to hide every action of that type (all friend requests, all likes, etc.).
5. To edit this in the future, click on the pencil icon in “Activity Recent,” then click on “Hidden Activities.” You can uncheck any activities you want to show up again.

Facebook is sensitive to the fact that users don't want the whole world to have access to all their personal information. With that in mind, the social networking site makes it easy to hide your information from other people. When you select "Friends" as a privacy setting, only those people with whom you are Facebook friends have access to the information. You can also hide posts and other information from certain people on your friend list.

  1. Hide your wall post from a specific person by hovering your mouse over the post and clicking on the downward arrow that appears in the top right corner of the post. Choose "Custom" from the menu. Enter the name of the person you want to hide the post from in the "Hide this from" field; click on your friend's name when Facebook shows a line with her name and thumbnail. Alternatively, enter the name of a friend list. Enter the next name or list, if applicable, and click "Save Changes" when you're finished.

  2. Hide all Facebook wall posts from certain people by default by clicking the "Account" link in the top right corner of your profile picture and then "Privacy Settings." Click on the button beneath "Custom" in the "Control Your Default Privacy" section. Enter the name of a friend or friend list in the "Hide this from" field. Click "Save Changes."

  3. Stop certain people from seeing one of your profile information sections, such as "Music" or "Employer," by going to your profile page and clicking "Edit Profile" at the top of your profile. Click on the tab in the left column of the screen that represents the section you want to edit. Click the arrow next to a section and choose "Custom" from the menu. Enter the name of a friend or list in the "Hide this from" field and click "Save Changes."


Did you know that every time you LIKE another page or change your Relationship Status, it appears on your Facebook Wall and goes out to all your Facebook Friends via their News Feed?

Can someone hide their Facebook activity?

Yes, and it can be very annoying, not to mention a little invasive. I found a way to stop these posts being seen by your Friends.

If you want to disable these recent activity posts appearing on your Friends news feeds, then follow these steps:-


To disable the recent activity posts and prevent people from seeing a Recent Activity story about a profile change you make to your relationship status, follow these steps:-

  1. Login to your Personal Profile;
  2. Account > Privacy Settings > “Sharing on Facebook” click on “Customize Settings”;
  3. Under the “Things I Share” click on the dropdown next to “Relationships” and select “Customize” and then “Make this visible to” and select “Only Me” from the drop dropdown list the “Save Setting”. You will still be able to view a Recent Activity story about your relationship change, but no one else will.

Can someone hide their Facebook activity?


To stop automatic posting to your Wall each time you “LIKE” a Page or other activities and prevent people from seeing a Recent Activity story about your likes, activities and other connections, follow these steps: –

  1. Login to your Personal Profile;
  2. Account > Privacy Settings > “Connecting on Facebook” click on “View Settings”;
  3. In the dropdown box next to “See your likes, activities and other connections” select “Custom” and then in the “Make this visible to” select “Only Me” from the dropdown list then “Save Setting”. Now only you will be able to view your likes and activities, no one else.

Can someone hide their Facebook activity?

To stop automatic posting to your Wall each time you be-”Friend” someone and prevent people from seeing a Recent Activity story about who your Friends are, follow these steps: –

  1. Login to your Personal Profile;
  2. Account > Privacy Settings > “Connecting on Facebook” click on “View Settings”;
  3. In the dropdown box next to “See your friend list” select “Custom” and then in the “Make this visible to” select “Only Me” from the dropdown list then “Save Setting”. Now only you will be able to view your likes and activities, no one else.

If you need assistance with your social media management, Townsville Social Media Marketing are happy to help. [email protected]

How do you tell if someone is hiding their Facebook posts from you?

Scroll through the wall posts in the middle of the screen. If all the posts are from the other person and yours are missing, he or she has been hiding your posts.

What can you see if someone restricts you on Facebook?

When you add someone to your Restricted list, you'll still be friends with them on Facebook, but they'll only be able to see your public information (example: your posts and profile info you choose to make public) and posts you tag them in.