Bagian jantung yang hanya berisi darah kaya oksigen adalah a 1 dan 2 b. 2 dan 4 c 2 dan 3 d 3 dan 4

Bagian jantung yang hanya berisi darah kaya oksigen adalah a 1 dan 2 b. 2 dan 4 c 2 dan 3 d 3 dan 4

Bagian nomor II adalah serambi kiri berfungsi untuk menerima darah yang mengandung oksigen dari paru-paru melalui vena paru-paru dan bagian nomor IV adalah bilik kiri merupakan bagian jantung yang paling tebal dan bertugas memompa darah yang mengandung oksigen ke seluruh tubuh. 

apakah otot yang mengalami atrofi termasuk dari gejala virus polio?​

nih banh kukasih soal yanh sngd" gamoanhSebutkan hewan" yanh berkaki 4, min.6 -!​

Assalamualaikum Kak tolong segera dikerjakan mau dikumpulkan hari ini..​

4 fungsi rangka pada manusia ​

Mengapa dalam transport aktif diperlukan protein channel agar zat bisa masuk ke dalam sel​

berbentuk apakah daunya​

identifikasi bagaimana mekanisme fotoreseptor pada jaringan dauntolong dijawab ya kak, please ​

apa persamaan empon empon masa dulu dengan masa kinisekarang cuy ​

tolong di jawab ya aku butuh banget nih bentar lagi dikumpulkan ​

Tundra merupakan bioma yang paling dingin, diantaranya terdapat di kutub utara. Indonesia ternyata juga mmeiliki bioma tundra. Tepatnya di puncak gunu … ng jayawijaya, papua. Yang merupakan tundra … ditempat tersebut ditumbuhi vegetasi dominan, yaitu? A. Alpin, liken B. Alpin, pohon sagu C. Arktik, alang-alang D. Arktik, bunga krisan E. Arktik, lumut sphagnum

D. 5. Desinta: "May I borrow your English dictio- nary?" Handika: "Sure. Here it is." Desinta : Handika: "You're welcome." a. It's okay b. Of course c … . Thank you d. Never mind . Sheyla is going to buy shoes. She meets her English teacher in the shoe-shop at 7 p.m. What will she say to her English teacher? a. Good morning! c. Good evening! d. Good night! b. Good afternoon! . Amira: "Will you accompany me to the bookshop, please?" Maura: "... I have to help my mother to prepare the dinner." Amira: "It's okay." a. It's okay b. I'm sorry c. Of course d. With pleasure ead the following text to answer questions - 14. Today is Monday. It's the first day at school. In the first and second period, the students of IA have English class. They are studying English. The English teacher is in front of the classroom. He wants to introduce himself to the students. Mr. Mahfudz: "Good morning, students!" The students: "Good morning, Sir!" Mr. Mahfudz: "I am your English teacher. My name is Mahfudz, I live at 26 Jalan Slamet Riyadi, Surakarta." . Is Mr. Mahfudz an English teacher? a. Yes, it is. c. No, it isn't. b. Yes, he is. d. No, he isn't. a. OK b. Hello 16. Reino: "Hi, Ferdy, how are you?" Ferdy "Fine, thanks. And you?" 44 31 Reino a. I'm fine, too b. You're welcome c. Nice to meet you, too d. Thank you very much www 17. Teacher: "Would you mind not talking during the lesson?" " 31 *** a. Oh, thanks. b. I am still happy. Student : d. Good morning c. I'm sorry, I'll keep silent. d. Excuse me. I'll talk to you. 18. Syamsul: "..., Sir. I'm late." Mr. Hadi: "It's all right. Why are you late, Syamsul?" Syamsul "I got up at seven in the morning." Mr. Hadi: "You must sleep early." Syamsul "All right, Sir." a. Hello c. Thank you b. Sorry d. Excuse me 19. Student: "Can you lend me an English magazine?" Librarian: "Of course, here it is." Student "Thank you very much." "M Librarian: ".. a. Forget it. b. I don't care. c. Don't mention it! d. You are welcome 20. Reyhan: "The bus has arrived. I must go no Goodbye, mother!" Mother: "Goodbye, honey! Take care." Reyhan "Alright, Mom."​

tolong kak bantu jawabkasih jawaban yang benar yahh​

Based on Picture 1, the activity they could probably do before making the dough. O They buy some flour and some eggs. They are buying some flour and s … ome eggs. They have bought some flour and some eggs. * 10 poin They were bought some flour and some eggs Picture 1 C0 +​

tolong bantu jawab ​

kak maaf tolong bantu tugas inggris ya sama alasan mksh ​

1. write 5 sentences using to be 2. write 5 sentences using verb tolong ya kk kk ​

tolong bantu aku ya... teman²,ada ‼BIGPOIN‼​

1. what does the teacher ask the student to do ?2. what does he say to check understanding?3. do the student understand the teacher?4. what does the g … irl say ?5. what are you doing with the drone ?6. what does the man say to his hon ?7. doe his hon understand his father?8. what does his son say to his father ?please make simple conversations with the respon understandunderstand?don't understand ​

1) I hate my chairmate ex: You should move to the other seat 2) My Friend always sees her Idol Everywhere 3) he always plays with his friend until mid … night. 4) I want to be a doctor. But I am not a smart student 5) I spent many times in a day to watch youtube or play some games 6) my mother always gives my brother everything he wants, and I am envy.materi : offer and suggestion​

tolong bantu aku ya... teman²,ada ‼BIGPOIN‼​