Bagaimana caranya test ulang tentang patrounus

If you are a wizard, not a baboon brandishing a stick, then my friend you are at the right place!

Today we will be creating a magical Patronus quiz that you can brag about in your Hogwarts common room, ready for it?

In case you are wondering, which is this Pottermore Patronus Quiz that I was missing out on? This is the quiz, which will tell your Patronus type when you swish your wand and say, Expecto Patronum!

Still not getting the idea? In this blog, we will talk about the Patronus Test, What is Harry Potter’s Patronus and how can we make a Harry potter Patronus quiz using the best WordPress quiz Plugin, QSM to find your Patronus!

Create a Patronus Quiz – Expecto Patronum

If you remember reading or watching the Harry Potter series, the spell was first used in the “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” Movie, of the third year.

Yes, this was the time when Bugbeak was almost left to get slaughtered, but thanks to our lovely trio of Harry, Hermione, and Ronald to save the precious bird.

So, in the third year, Remus Lupin taught Harry to cast this spell. However, when things went south in the fifth year and Dumbledore’s army was formed, the spell became open to all.

Create a Patronus Quiz – Harry Potter Trivia

In the time when there was an awakening of the one who must-not-be-named, every Gryffindor was taught how to cast the “Expecto Patronum” spell.

That is where you would have noticed that everyone was able to summon a different Patronus like Hermione got a rabbit. Well, do you remember what is Harry Potter’s Patronus? Yes, it is the Stag with fancy horns!

You can find a list of different Patronus and who yielded which Patronus in the Harry Potter series:

Stag: Harry Potter, James Potter

Doe: Lily Potter, Severus Snape

Pheonix: Albus Dumbledore

Wolf: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Nymphadora Tonks

Goat: Aberforth Dumbledore

Cat: Minerva McGonagall, Dolores Umbridge

Weasel: Arthur Weasely

Jack Russell Terrier: Ronald Weasely

Some other Patronus from dumbledore’s army were: Swan, Boar, Fox, Otter, and Lynx.

Read 10 Cool tips and tricks for WordPress in 2022

Create a Patronus Quiz – Patronus Spell

Now that we know different kinds of Patronus exist, we can easily get down to making the Patronus quiz. As the name suggests, we can make a quiz – “What Patronus am I?”

Let us begin with the basics by understanding how the Quiz and Survey Master plugin works and how it will help us to make an interesting Patronus Quiz.

Step 1: Installing the QSM Plugin

To create an awesome quiz, we require an excellent WordPress Quiz Plugin as well, am I right? We are using the Quiz and Survey Master Plugin to make this Patronus test.

Read the Quick Guide to Set up QSM Plugin

Create a Patronus Quiz – Installing the QSM Plugin

To install the QSM Plugin for your WordPress website, you first have to go to the Plugins menu on the official website.

You can search for the QSM Plugin in the search bar. You have to then download the QSM Plugin.

Once downloaded, you have to log into your WordPress website and from the Dashboard navigate to the Plugins and click, Add New Plugin. There you can upload the QSM file and further install the Plugin. After the installation is completed, you can simultaneously activate the plugin, to use it.

Create a Patronus Quiz – Installing the QSM Plugin

Do you know what all quizzes have in common? The questions, duh! To create an astonishing Patronus Quiz, we will be required to make a Patronus Questionnaire, which consists of all the questions that correspond to finding your Patronus.

Let us understand this by an example. Harry Potter and Remus Lupin had different and completely opposite Patronus. This must point us to the fact that the Patronus is based on one’s internal personality.

Create a Patronus Quiz – Patronus Test Questionnaire

Likewise, Harry and his late father have the same Patronus, the Stag. This shows how similar would have these personalities were, even when they were different and had the minimum time with each other.

Some questions for your Patronus Quiz:

  1. Which Hogwarts house are you a part of?
  2. Every wizard has a favorite subject in school. What is yours?
  3. Which of these classic spells is your favorite?
  4. You are at the Three Broomsticks, What would you have?
  5. Which is your Favourite Place to be?
  6. Choose your favorite Potion Ingredient!
  7. What do you choose to buy yourself as a treat?
  8. Who is your favorite in the wizarding world?
  9. In the perfect world, you want to use your Patronus to:
  10. What are you going to be after you finish studying at Hogwarts?
  11. What is your way to stay active and healthy?
  12. Pick a European City to live in?
  13. Which is your wizardry crush?
  14. Who would you hex on among the following?
  15. Which is your favorite Teacher?

Create a Patronus Quiz – Patronus Test Questionnaire

Types of Patronus that you can inculcate in your Patronus Quiz are:

You utilize your words as a formidable tool, wise and guarded. Your Patronus may be diminutive, but its mind is mighty.

You’re a friend to many and an enemy to none because of your friendly and loyal attitude. Just make sure your upbeat demeanor doesn’t come across as naive.

In all of your endeavors, you’re quick-witted and determined. You don’t allow anything to get in the way of your exploration of the world.

You’re quiet and sneaky, and you’re not easily fooled or duped. You have a system in place that allows you to get what you want whenever you want it.

Create a Patronus Quiz – Patronus Test Questionnaire

You’re athletic in both body and mind, and you’re dedicated to staying at the top of whatever pastime or profession you choose.

You’re fearless, with a tough exterior that hides a golden heart. Don’t let your harsh exterior prevent folks from learning more about you.

Step 3: Creating the Patronus Quiz

The first step in creating a Patronus Quiz is to select the Quiz and Survey Master option in your WordPress Website Dashboard. Once you click on the “Create New Quiz/Survey” a dialog box will appear.

Quick Start Guide to Create New Quiz/Survey

The dialog box will ask you to Input the theme for the quiz. Since it is a Harry Potter quiz, you have to choose the theme accordingly for it. The next dialog box will ask you to input the name of the quiz, which here is, “What Patronus Am I?“

Create a Patronus Quiz – Creating the Quiz

After you have input the essential data, you can apply any add-on of your choice to the quiz from the Add-ons menu. These are some useful extensions for the quiz making it more engaging and interactive according to your requirements.

After this, you can add a contact field to your Quiz, like that of the name of the user or the Email address. The contact field option will help in the collection of mail ids, which could further be used to set a follow-up routine or for email marketing.

Create a Patronus Quiz – Creating the Quiz

Further, you can add your questions. QSM Plugin allows you to add image answers and rich answer-type other than text answers. In Image answers, you can add the URL of the Image, whereas in the Rich-answer type you can either add images from your computer or add interactive gifs to your quiz!

Create a Patronus Quiz – Creating the Quiz

To your questions, you can add a description or a featured image, that can relate to the question or maybe explain your question. These little elements make the quizzes really engaging and fun for the user.

After adding your questions, the next step is to optimize your results pages. This step is crucial to making your Patronus quiz a success. For example, we are going to make five different results pages for our Quiz.

Create a Patronus Quiz – Creating the Quiz

The results that intersect with the Stag Patronus, could be seen in this format, where the condition is that the total points earned should be equal to or less than 5.

To make your results pages, even more fun, you can add some template variables or GIFs along with the description of the result. You can even add an option to share the results on Facebook or Twitter.

Create a Patronus Quiz – Creating the Quiz

Step 4: Publishing the Quiz

After you have optimized your results pages and previewed the quiz, you can simply publish the quiz and let other Potterheads to enjoy this Patronus Quiz!

Final Thoughts

Creating a Pottermore Patronus Quiz is really a treat for all of you Potterheads. However, this experience of quiz-making can be improved by the use of the Quiz and Survey Master plugin. The options to optimize your quiz provided by the QSM Plugin make the quizzes even more fun and engaging even while creating and for the users alike.

What’s New: QSM Pro Bundle

If you are looking to make your quizzes even more interactive, you can avail a perfect package of add-ons. The QSM Pro Bundle of add-ons is now live and ready for your use! it hosts all the 34 add-ons of the QSM Plugin, including Zapier Integration, email marketing integration, advanced timer, and the list goes on! Grab the Pro Bundle of Add-ons at just $199 per year!

Check out the QSM Pro Bundle

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