Arti kata "zombies" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata zombies bahasa

The Walking Dead. Scientific name Homo Coprophagus Somnambulus. A deceased human being who has partially returned to life due to undeterminable causes. The brain retains base facilities, namely gross motor function. In its near-mindless state, it grasps no remains of emotion, personality, or sensation of pain. In rare cases, some of the reanimated have reflexively preformed routine activities from their past lives. The rotting bodies of the undead operate on a fraction of the level at which our bodies normally function. Circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems are unaffected by reanimation. Labored breathing, choking, and moaning are reflexive but no oxygen is carried through the blood. The nervous system functions primarily within the brain and brain stem. Sensory reception is minimal at best and seemingly unecessary in the pursuit of prey. The undead are incapable of fatigue and will persist at any cost. They will even crawl when their legs have been removed. Even if the head is removed from the body, it will continue to live. The only way to stop the reanimated is to destroy the brain. To prevent reanimation in the recently departed, decapitate the corpse and burn the body. The only observable action a zombie takes part in is killing living creatures, especially humans, and eating them. Many theories and speculations surround this disturbing behavior. One theory is based on the thought that reanimation is the result of a contagious infection or virus, and that the primal drive to feed will spread the disease to other host bodies. Research has shown that although the majority of zombie attacks result in fatal wounds, all corpses return to life soon after passing, regardless of cause of death. Another theory is that zombies eat the brains of the living to refuel the "un-life" giving chemical serotonin. Because digestive and circulatory systems are incapable of bringing these elements to the brain, this just cannot be true. The final speculation seems the most obvious, that the dead feed for sustenance to satiate their unnatural metabolism. But because the gut has no function in the undead, this is also false. One documented encounter claims that a zombie was unable to move due to the sheer mass of undigested flesh resting in its distended gut. The creature continued to eat even after it's gut had burst open. Studies regarding the nature of feeding have proven that zombies will try to eat when their stomachs and even jaws have been removed. One explanation offers that the walking dead are the incarnation of death itself, a mockery of life that uses the vessels of the living to carry out their dark intentions, they are the opposite of life and are driven to simply undo it.


"When there's no more room in hell, the dead shall walk the earth."

Arti kata zombies bahasa

In popular culture, zombies commonly refer to the undead. Generally, any formerly human creature that is no longer acting with freewill. Often erroniously attributed to the Carribean practice of Voodoo in Western society, the zombie has been portrayed for thousands of years in cultures in India, China, and among Native Americans. These include (but are not limited to the following): 1. The Voodoo Zombie, which is a living human who has lost it's free will. 2. The Viral Zombie, which is a reanimated (usually human) corpse that has been brought back to life. 3. The Chinese Zombie, which is a supernatural/spiritual being with a yellow piece of paper on its forehead, capable of moving very quickly, and jumping very far or flying. A number of zombie survivalist organizations (ozort for example) exist worldwide that set up contingency in the event of an outbreak of Viral Zombies


Mankind can be easily destroyed by zombies.

Arti kata zombies bahasa

Zombies are the new Nazis in gaming. World War II is out, Zombie Apocolapse is in. They are the new thing that you can shoot and shoot and shoot without getting bored (that is, until something new comes along and replaces zombies). Many current games now are about zombies or feature them in some way. A zombie is either an actual undead (which is the case with Nazi Zombies), or a human who was infected with a virus of some sort and have undead/zombie like charactoristics (like Left 4 Dead).


Gears of War 2: Horde Mode Call of Duty World at War: Nazi Zombies Halo 3: Infection mode Left 4 Dead Dead Rising Resident Evil 5 Counter Strike: Zombie Mods Dead Space

Arti kata zombies bahasa

When someone you dated, had a one night stand with, or was a fwb that ghosted you and comes back later.


Becky, I just got zombied by that guy I banged from Baja Sharkeez a year ago!

Arti kata zombies bahasa

When you collect all of your roaches to roll a blunt or joint if you are low on weed.


Ay we out of weed but I got roaches tryna roll a zombie?

Arti kata zombies bahasa

It’s where someone you previously dated (and very likely cared for) or were even in a relationship with, ghosted you, only to then resurface some time later, most likely in the form of some sort of social media interaction or an out of the blue text message. Usually the zombieing happens just when you’ve gotten over the hurt of having them ghost you in the first place. Then, all of a sudden, they subtly reappear (I say subtle – it can feel like a slap in the face!) causing more emotional upset.


I was totally "zombieing" at the thought of my ex messaging me after no contact.

Arti kata zombies bahasa

undead brainsuckers, normally raised by a freak natural disaster or by means of a necromancer. The only way to permanently incapacitate one is to remove it's head completely.


Brian heard something behind him while dart throwing and shouted "fuck-a-doodle-doo" it was a ZOMBIE shouting "BRAINS"!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111 111111o neoneooneone oneoeon111111!!!!!!!!11l olololol

Arti kata zombies bahasa

Denizens of the internerd. They will not sleep, eat or perhaps even 'die' so long as they have access to the internerds. Harmful to humans who comes between them and their glowing boxes. Likes the dark.


Nerd A : Man, at least I used the net for information Nerd B : you mean pr0n ? Nerd A : I mean plagiarising assignments.. but when I came to the lab... all I saw were zombies man..... Nerb B : Want me to warn the admin and bring out the shootaz ?

Arti kata zombies bahasa

to be a zombie is when you hit some one up you once ghosted months-years ago. As if you resurrected from the dead. You came back from the dead and slid right back in. You can be a zombie or someone else can be a zombie. Goes both ways.


God Jack is a zombie, have not talked in years and he hit me up just now!

Arti kata zombies bahasa

"The Zombies" happen after a night of smoking marijuana. To have "the zombies one would feel groggy and slow (still high) for 1-5 hours after waking up. "Some zombies" is also an acceptable phrase.


John Sample "Man, i got the zombies and I'm going to go take my midterm." $+33\/: "Bummer d00d." or $+33\/: I got some zombies goin broski. Broski: Double plus uncool.

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