Arti kata "sofias" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata sofias bahasa

Sofia/Sophia's are often misjudged. People think they are shy and timid, but are actually crazy and sometimes won't be quiet. They are artistic and sweet. Sofia's are quite something I tell ya...


Person 1: Sofia is so pretty, but never talks to me. Person 2: If you go up to her she definitely talk to you. Just, don't get on her bad side. She is cute, but is strong...

Arti kata sofias bahasa

Amazing friend. Enthusiastic. Athletic. Beautiful. Gorgeous. The best friend ever.Smart. Strong. Independent. Takes crap from no one. Once you get a Sofia, do not lose her. The best thing that will ever happen to you.


Girl 1 " Sofia is the best friend ever." Girl 2 "I know right?"

Arti kata sofias bahasa

A very pretty girl. She is confident in herself and helps her friends out whenever she can. Isn't fake and doesn't hang around fake people. Has a small group of friends, but can hold conversations with almost everybody. Very outgoing girl.


Today I saw Sofia helping Taylor with her math homework.

Arti kata sofias bahasa

Sofia is the prettiest, kindest, and smartest girl in the world. All the boys who see her immediately love her, but she usually just gives them one pity date, then let them down easy. It is rumored that Sofia is an angel from above, which she is. She spends her days in the skies, making paintings in the clouds.


Boy 1: Sofia is so amazing! I'm asking her out! Boy 2: YOU KNEW I HAD A CRUSH ON HER! PREPARE TO DIE!!

Arti kata sofias bahasa

Sofia is a loving, loyal, amazing friend. She can try to impress people, but at the end of the day, she doesn’t give a crap. She may seem mean at first, but when you get to know her, she is the best. She is super smart, and people use her for that to cheat on tests and assignments. When you mess with her, you won’t get away with it. She tries not to get into people’s business, but sometimes, she just can’t help it. She also tries to not blow up and get mad easily, but for Sofia, sometimes it just can’t be helped. People don’t accept her for who she is at first, but if they give her a chance, she will turn out to be the best person you will ever meet. When you find a Sofia, never let her go. She gets all the hot guys. If you’re good to her, maybe she’ll get you a date for prom! Sofia is the most amazing person you will ever meet in your entire life.


Boy 1: Sofia is soooo hot! I’d never get a chance with her. Boy 2: Yeah, I know. She’s so hot that I’m too embarrassed to ask her out. Boy 1: Here she comes! *sprays himself with cologne* Sofia: Hey boys. Boys: Uhhh... hi! Ummm... well... uhh... I guess we will just be going on our way... *chuckles and walks away nervously*

Arti kata sofias bahasa

A word to describe that girl at your school who has THE cutest qualities. Cute fashion sense, a pretty face, and compact body says the sweetest things, looks so little and precious next to her boyfriend, to point where you want to just hug her forever.


Hot damn, I'm lucky to know Sofia...

Arti kata sofias bahasa

Sofia is a person who cares about everyone and tries to becomes Friends with everyone, if you hert her she will give you one more chance but if you blow that chance she will not give you a second one, she’s a kind and beautiful person she will always accept and give hugs to her friends. She’s beautiful but doesn’t know it, she’s kind but doesn’t want to be, she’s forgiving but shouldn’t be, Sofia is an amazing person and if you loose her you’re f*cking screwd


Sofia is everyone’s best friend You don’t have a choice

Arti kata sofias bahasa

Sofia is one of the nicest, funniest, and prettiest girls you will ever meet. She’ll always have your back no matter what- like, seriously, even if you’ve only known her for a while, she’ll do anything for you. She’s incredibly beautiful but has no idea, and is just so genuine and relatable that it’ll be hard to find many people who don’t like her. She can be a bit stubborn sometimes, but really it’s just because she cares so much. You can talk to her about absolutely anything, and you can truly be yourself around her. If you make friends with a Sofia, never let her go, because your life will never be the same without her.


(This is an actual conversation I had with someone once) Me: It’s hard to say anything bad about Sofia, really... Friend: Yeah, that’s true.

Arti kata sofias bahasa

Sofia is a beautiful amazingly cute girl who really could care less about what you thought about her she is. She could be your bestfriend. But if you are going to talk shit make sure you talk your shit to her face she don’t like that pussy shii . If you are even lucky enough to be her boyfriend you better keep her because never will you ever find a more loyal brown eyed and hair girl. Sofia’s are also usually short and very loud and crazy seem shy but get to meet them and they will laugh at everything... literally everything . Keep her


Damn did you see Sofia she’s cute

Arti kata sofias bahasa

Sofia is the actual kindest most caring girl you will ever meet. She is absolutely stunning and will typically have beautiful silky hair, and light greenish blue eyes. She is the type of girl who you never ever get bored of spending time with because she always has something fun to do or talk about. She might act shy, but once you get do know her she is the least shy, most amazing person in the world. Her smile is almost as cute as her laugh and both of them light up your day. She is so insanely kind, and responsible in the best way. Sofia is a girl who knows what she's doing and knows how to have fun. She has never failed to cheer anyone up and is the best at comforting people. Sofia knows just about every word to every song ever written and has the best taste in music. She always has some celebrity she is crushing on and it is always so fun to watch. Sofia is just about the greatest girl to ever be on earth and anyone that gets the chance to be friends with her better never mess it up because just talking to a Sofia is an honor. Sofia's are what make the world amazing just by being them, they are the type of girls who will find a rainbow in their mess of a locker and turn the bad into good without a second thought. Sofia's are angels sent from heaven, and they should always be loved because they deserve it.


Bro 1: Bro, I think im gonna ask Sofia out, but she's like way outta my league. Bro 2: Bro, you can't do that! Sofia is mine! *Bros get into wild fist fight over Sofia*

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