Arti kata "naomis" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata naomis bahasa

This is a woman, you can trust, extremely smart. She will give you all of her heart IF you are lucky! A Naomi is strong, funny...normally very much creatures of habit. She is spiritual in part due to her name being in the bible. You can go to her for great advice on just about anything....she can be honest to a fault. If you ask her opinion she will give it to you! They say Naomi women are intuitive. She has an inner and outer sexiness about her...and if you get a Naomi in her mid-to late 30's and older...she will be the best loving partner you will ever have--something about how she learns and takes that with her--not afraid to try things. She gives as good as she gets and then some! She is extremely loyal to all her friends and to her partner in life. One of the most caring, sweet, hard working, honest women you will ever meet will be a Naomi. If you can get one....KEEP HER!! She is the kind of girl you take to meet your parents--she is the marrying kind.


Naomi is a fantastic kind of girl.

Arti kata naomis bahasa

The funniest person you will ever meet, she is kind, energetic and really pretty. She doesn't have a high opinion of herself but everything she does seems to be amazing anyway. Naomi makes you feel more elegant just by being around her because of her radiant attitude and beauty. Whenever you are around her the whole world seems better, and she is surprising so you will never get bored of her company!


Random person 1: Wow, I suddenly feel happier and more lively! Random person 2: Naomi just walked into the room. Random guy: She's beautiful...

Arti kata naomis bahasa

Naomi is a girl name. Naomi's are normally shy at first when talking to people but once you get to know her she won't shut up. She loves to pull pranks and finds everything funny. She has a wild imagination and sometimes can be quite sensetive. She is gorgeous and has many friends. She hides a million secrets and is cunning and sly. She is an animal lover and will do anything just to stop somebody from killing an innocent little spider. She has a strict taste in what music and what sort of boys she likes. She is beautiful and smart and is a fast Runner. She is the sweetest girl you will meet and you can tell her anything.


Boy 1: Isn't Naomi a fast runner? Boy 2: duh yes!

Arti kata naomis bahasa

Female name - 1) beautiful inside and out; 2) secretly envied by some, adored by many; 3) a woman of substance; 4) a force to be reckoned with; 5) highly intelligent


That girl next door Naomi - what a darling, what a beauty. Lucky is the man she ended up with and lucky are those kids they are blessed with.

Arti kata naomis bahasa

A very attractive female. Loves helping others. Very sweet, loyal and caring, but can sometimes be sensitive and kind of bitchy. Loves her friends. Sometimes has a low self esteem. Usually has the most beautiful eyes and hair you've ever seen. If you get into a relationship with a Naomi, DO NOT LET HER GO. It'll probably end up being a huge mistake.


Guy 1: So you know that girl Naomi from the other night? Guy 2: Yeah man she's hella fine. What about her? Guy 1: I kinda like her and I think she likes me back. Guy 2: Go for it, you'll probably never get another chance.

Arti kata naomis bahasa

A girl who is pretty but doesn't fall for boys easily. She isn't into guys or people who pick their nose at all. She is nice to many people but hates people who are unfair. If she ever fell in love with a guy, it would be the boy who is not very popular because then it means more to them.


Naomi is a very fair young lady

Arti kata naomis bahasa

Someone who is strong, real, passionate, and independent.


Naomi is so genuine

Arti kata naomis bahasa

exotically splendid name for people of the female gender. The name is given to children who display unparalled beauty and intelligence. The name has also been known to be given to children that display Goddess-like qualities that surpass all mortal knowledge. That child, who is named Naomi, is perfect in all ways. #perfect #terrific #goddess #spledid #beautiful


gorgeous girl who usually hides lots of secrets inside her. but she'll always be there for you if you need her. She chooses her best friends over her boyfriends, and has a great sense of fashion. She usually falls for skater-scene rebel boys. She's very humorous, and she loves laughing. She wants to be everyone's friend. She loves alternative music, but will enjoy going to most concerts. Naomi is usually a daredevil, and is willing to take on any dare. However, she's also very smart, and loves helping the world. Boy 1: "Man, i wish i could go out with a Naomi!" Boy 2: "Keep wishing." #naomi #gorgeous #wonderful #awesome #musical #smart #talented

Arti kata naomis bahasa

Naomies are great friends and they stay true to what they believe in no matter what. They are amazing dancers, and will leave ur jaw on the floor because they are gorgeous and kind. Although they have a sassy attitude they are kind and loving person. Naomies are trustworthy and if you know don't lose them because there hard to replace.


Girl- did u see Naomie today dancing in the halls Girl-ya she was amazing

Arti kata naomis bahasa

Naomi is the kind of person you want as a friend. She is loyal, kind, and funny. She always makes your day better and knows how to put a smile on your face. She is a very positive person. She is beautiful inside and out. If you have a Naomi in your life make sure to keep her in your life. She is a very outgoing person and will stand up for a friend. She always gives good advice. She loves her friends and her family. She is creative, fashionable, love able, smart, funny, beautiful, caring, outgoing, kind, loyal, brave, and positive.She is the perfect person to have as a best friend.


Person : wow did you see that girl Naomi Person2: yeah she’s beautiful Me: that’s my best friend

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