Arti kata "cannibalistic" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata cannibalistic bahasa

A girl who should be in an asylum, but no one would take her. Someone who often talks to herself, and has severe moodswings. A death-metal listener whose life revolves around her music. A keyboard and alto saxophone player, who enjoys life to the fullest. A girl who's favourite face to make resembles the following: 8D Someone who is rather in love, and will never be out of it. A girl who loves everything lemon-related, and will eat lemons till she can no longer sense any of her... well... senses. Someone who would like to try human. A woman who really loves the environment, but enjoys chopping down the occassional Christmas tree.


Child: "Mummy, is that a Schizophrenic Cannibalistic Lemon-Scented Lumberjack?" Mother: "Yes, David. Now, give it a wide berth. It might lash out at you, and eat your flesh." "Oh, look. It's the Schizophrenic Cannibalistic Lemon-Scented Lumberjack. Talk to herself... No, arguing with herself... About shoes... Again..." "What is that horrible music?!" "Ah, it's the Schizophrenic Cannibalistic Lemon-Scented Lumberjack, again. I brought the ear plugs." "EVERYONE! LOCK YOUR DOORS, HIDE YOUR METAL ALBUMS AND BURY YOUR LEMON-RELATED ITEMS!! THE SCHIZOPHRENIC CANNIBALISTIC LEMON-SCENTED LUMBERJACK IS AROUND!"

Arti kata cannibalistic bahasa

A person whom refuses to eat any animal products (i.e. meat...Or anything that is torn off a non-human animal's body.) but may be willing to eat the flesh of other humans. And babies.


Man: Why won't that Freak over there eat this hotdog made of cow anus? Woman: Because she's a Cannibalistic vegetarian. Man: What the hell does that mean? Woman: Stick your arm out in front of her and you'll find out.

Arti kata cannibalistic bahasa

If you were a hot dog and you were starving in the desert would you eat yourself?


I know I would, I'd slather myself in mustard. I'd be delicious.

Arti kata cannibalistic bahasa

A form of the word cannibal that Nick thinks exists


Nick wishes he was a cannibalist

Arti kata cannibalistic bahasa

A series of drinks taken in rapid succession: 1) Shot of Wild Turkey, 2) Shot of Goldschlager 3) Jager bomb, 4) Irish car bomb


Friend A: "Hey dude, you feel like going out tonight?" Friend B: "Man, I feel like getting drunk but I just don't feel like drinking a lot." Friend A: "Oh, I've got the solution: a cannibalistic rabid bear fight." Friend B: "Uh, what the fuck is that? I've heard of a bear fight, but..." Friend A: "It's a bear fight with two shots tacked on. You'll be done drinking in a minute but you'll be drink for hours." Friend B: "Sounds good. Let's go."

Arti kata cannibalistic bahasa

The act of devouring your lover while you fuck their brains out


God I ate Sarah out both ways yesterday when we did cannibalistic sex

Arti kata cannibalistic bahasa

A breed of mythological creature that lives in the forest of magical silliness. Their everlasting enemies are the alabaster dwarfs. They are wild and untameable beasts, who roam the forest on dark nights, looking for earth dwellers. They beat them over the head for fun, with their wooden clubs that are stained with goober blossom blood. They also kill goober blossom plants so the alabsater dwarfs have no food, because they find it quite humourous. The trolls diet is very simplistic. They feed on each other, and only need to eat once every month. If a troll dies, they eat it after it rots, so the flesh is tender. Their life span is very long, so sometimes the trolls must sacrifice one of their own in order to survive. During the sacrificial ceremony, the trolls throw the bodies of alabaster dwarfs at the troll being sacrificed, until it is fully buried, and it suffocates. Cannibalistic trolls mate once every three hundred and sixty five days, and give birth to approximately ten children for each pregnancy, which lasts about five days. Young trolls eat squirrels and fairies until their three inch long teeth grow in. At this time, they are now able to eat the flesh of their own kind. The trolls are solitary animals, but coem togeher are a comuntiy on full moons, for that is the night that they feast. The trolls travel all throughout the forest of magical silliness, but take shelter beneath the roots of the giant peach trees. They gaurd the peach trees, which makes them very hard to chop down. They only clean themselves if they are being sacrificed, and they bathe in the juices excreted from the womb of male cannibalistic trolls. It is presumed that by 2010, the cannibalistic trolls will have wiped out all of the alabaster dwarfs. Please help us kill off the cannibalistic trolls so the alabaster dwarfs can be saved, even though they are basically doomed to fail. If you would like to try and attempt to save the Dwarfs, feel free to donate to the Save The Alabaster Dwarfs Foundation (SADF).


"shit im terrified of cannibalistic trolls"

Arti kata cannibalistic bahasa

Adjective With the behavior, attitude, or intentions of a cannibal; the eating of the flesh of an animal by another animal of its own kind.


"He is acting cannibalistic."

Arti kata cannibalistic bahasa

Devouring unsuspecting innocents, robbing them of all their happiness by being named Nick and aspiring to consume peoples brain's.


Fucking Nick can go die in a hole and rot in hell, the cannibalist.

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