Arti kata "bogan" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata bogan bahasa

A fascinating beast. The majority of the species are hideously repugnant and unintelligent, and yet they manage to breed in ever-increasing numbers and populate an area known as the outer west. It is quite common to find five or six offspring in each family group, often with a different father for each new baby. Their habitat consists of a weatherboard or brick-veneer dwelling and is characterised by an early-model Holden or Ford in the driveway surrounded by a group of males discussing why the carby is stuffed and the results of last night's footy (a primitive gladiator-like spectator sport enjoyed by most bogans). The female of the species, while smaller in stature, is far more loud and aggressive than the male. While the males tend to be very friendly and congregate with other males, the females spend most of their time in supermarkets and shopping malls, using a shrill high-pitched call to discipline their children and contact other females. Males and females rarely interact socially except during breeding season, which is otherwise known as Friday night. During this time, females are allowed to enter the male-dominated area known as "the pub" and display their impressive coloured plumage to a prospective mate. Herein lies an intersting phenomenon. Males will often fight over a particularly attractive female and she will mate with only one male, while some less attractive females have been known to have several partners simultaneously. Ahhhh. The wonders of nature.


Chris Franklin, Eric Bana as "Poita" on Fast Forward, most of Campbelltown.

Arti kata bogan bahasa

In Tasmania, Australia there are 2 breeds of bogans, theres the typical male "aussie" style bogan: who wears "wife basher" shirts (singlet tops) with many torn holes, tight stone wash jeans or some other pants, usually either wearing one or tied around the waist or slung over there shoulder a flanelette (flannie) shirt or holden/ford tops, and a pair of old blundstone boots (blunnies) and usually drives and old Holden Commodore or Ford Falcon. And swear the faces off, usually every second word is f**k. And are commonly seen with a can of VB in there hand. Then theres the 2nd type usually teens who are seen decked out in dada, wutang, fox racing, eminem plastic crap, and the baggy wutang, fubu, emineme brand etc jeans and usually topped off with a cap of some kind, thinking that they're so damn cool but they're not. The female version is jeans that are so tight like you would not believe, have their hair pulled back and slicked down with a whole tub of gel except for 2 front bits which are pulled out and are the same length as the rest of their hair (commonly called "bogan bits") and wear dada, wutang, fubu, fox racing etc, jumpers 10 times too big for them and wear whole stick of eye liner on each eye and way too much foundation and are seen pushing prams around followed by a colony of young children (all to differnt fathers)


My god there is so many bogans around Hobart! It's like Bogan Central or something! or Nah, not going there to many scary bogans around!

Arti kata bogan bahasa

Lets get this straight, Bogans are Australia wide they are in every nook and cranny, and we love them because we can take the piss. Sure the women bogan has 6 kids to 6 different fathers, loves her alcohol and ciggies, has a different fashion sense, swears like a trooper, and is a general embarassment at the supermarket but at least we can look on and have bit of a laugh. As for the bloke well he loves his VB, ciggies/dope, flannie, mullet, beanie, holden or ford top, holden or ford car, has an excellent grasp on the english vocabluary, and has possible missing teeth, but who is going to look at him sideways when he's at the pub or he wants that car spot you want? They are a national treasure and we should be proud, for our taxes pay for their everything.


Person 1: Have a look at this bloke Person 2: What a bogan!

Arti kata bogan bahasa

A doyen of Australian culture, similar to the American "redneck". Easily spotted due to penchant for sporting mullet haircuts, wearing black jeans and flannel shirts, and driving big old cars such as Valiants, Falcons or H-series Holdens while listening to AC/DC or Metallica.


"You'd better get a haircut soon, you're starting to look like a bogan!"

Arti kata bogan bahasa

One of minimal intelligence, standards and fasion sense. Located in Australia, found in caravan parks, housing commission, the pub or Centrelink queues.


Commonly referred to in other countries as a redneck or chav. Also see hick and inbred.

Arti kata bogan bahasa

those who have 10 kids running around their feet, smoking on a cigg, swearing their heads off, every second word is the F-word, with a very distinct voice tone. Wearing cheap, old worn clothing, all whilst walking into the bottle shop or the tobbacconist.


This place is full of Bogans.

Arti kata bogan bahasa

A type of Australian that is stereotyped as bogan can usually be defined as trailer park trash and other low life names like Leigh, they can usually be found on street corners with a large group of people wearing jean shorts and thongs holding a stubby of vb.


That Leigh Kid Is A Definite Bogan,

Arti kata bogan bahasa

Lowest class, usually concentrated in poorer suburban areas of Australia. 'Thick-heads', yet super infated egos, bogans have very limited vocabulary, yet can be seen scorning others that use language or social skills that the bogan does not possess. Also, any extended period of non-comprehension, will lead to branding as UN-AUSTRALIAN (The bogan with super-inflated ego naturally sees themselves as the quintessential Australian.) The bogan interprets others avoiding them (because of their "general unpleasantness") as fear of the bogans imagined POWER and MASCULINITY. Their understanding of the world comes from the images imprinted on their visual cortex. Do not put a bogan in a position where an opinion of philosopy, arts, literature etc. is called for. Leave quiety and swiftly if you encounter the bogan, and if pressed, speak in the third person about cars that radiate "Bogan-ness". Utes are "working-class" and therefore to the bogan "higher-class". { situational construct } A bogan if blindfolded and released in the centre of Beverly Hills, would stand aghast, and all of the amalgam of conflicting ideals inside the bogan mind, would cause instantaneous implosion, possibly creating relativistic space-time distortion, thus compicating things further. If cornered further by "the bogan" which mistakes you for a friend: --talk sex, drinking bourbon etc.-- Again in the third person, omniscient. Observation, pointing, and commenting is best. Leave A.S.A.P.,


party person 1: "Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you." party person 2: Fuck, I love Nietzsche bogan: (party crasher)... what the fuck are you dumb pooftas talking about? I going to have to teach you to be a REAL MAN.

Arti kata bogan bahasa

the poor cousin of ricers. bogans usually tear around in their ancient and beat up commodores and falcons. the male of the species is usually a league/afl supporter, and sports a mullet or atrocious hair and flannel, while the female carrys her children around, communicating with offspring and other bogans in a high pitched screech, painful to the ears of humans. they all swear like troopers, smoke like chimneys, drink like fish, and have no regard whatsoever for other people. commonly on the dole. a bogan is an imported species in australia, they are considered a pest, similar to cane toads


male - sheila, get that fuckin dinner on the fuckin table woman, the kids are fuckin hungry again female - fuck orf im having my fuckin smoke darryl. get yer own fuckin dinner human - look at that bogan doing laps. human 2 - pft what a try-hard

Arti kata bogan bahasa

A bogan,usually lives in the western suburbs of any major Australian city.The men have mullets,gaunt,unshaven faces,checked cut off shirts and short,shorts.The females have unkept hair,usually with the remains of a bad perm,track suits or tight jeans and midriff tops and gaunt sucked in, cigarette faces. They talk with a nasal wine and very loudly. Each word is punctuated by expletives. They whinge about everything and anything.


Bogan females are ofen seen in shopping centres, at discount stores and eating fast food at take away outlets. They usually have a few obnoxious children in tow and are constantly yelling and swearing at them.They are ofen joined by a similar friend who they yell at loudly across the shopping centre.The men spend their time at the pub,tab, playing pool or hanging around football games