Soil is an important aspect in construction planning. Because on the ground stands a building. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the stability factor of the soil. One of the methods used to control the stability of the soil so as not to experience landslides is to build a retaining wall. The need for costs in making retaining walls directs us to the importance of having a Cost Budget Plan (RAB), this makes it necessary to estimate costs to plan a job. The research was conducted on the construction of a retaining wall for the Jampang Kulon-Cikaso road section, Sukamanah village with a volume of 204 m3, which was carried out by the Highways Division of Sukabumi Regency through a third party or contractor. This research uses descriptive quantitative method. To complete this research, data is needed, the data is the data in the budget plan for the construction project of making a retaining wall. The data sources consist of project documents and contract documents. This research has resulted in a calculation of the price of masonry per m3 which is 710,745.05 / m3, the overall project price is Rp. 190,800,000 including VAT and labor needs along with the need for Occupational Health and Safety (K3) equipment. The need for labor in this TPT

Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan analisa harga satuan pekerjaan?

AHSP adalah perhitungan kebutuhan biaya tenaga kerja, bahan dan peralatan untuk mendapatkan harga satuan atas satu jenis pekerjaan tertentu. Bidang Pekerjaan Umum adalah bidang pekerjaan yang meliputi kegiatan pekerjaan SDA, BM dan CK.

Komponen apa yang membentuk analisa harga satuan *?

Akan tetapi pada dasarnya perhitungan analisis harga satuan pekerjaan beton tersebut terdiri dari tiga komponen utama, yaitu harga bahan, harga tenaga kerja atau upah kerja, dan harga alat.

Apa itu Analisa BOW?

Analisa BOW (Burgerlijke Openbare Werken) ialah suatu ketentuan dan ketetapan umum yang ditetapkan Dir. BOW tanggal 28 Pebruari 1921 Nomor 5372 A pada zaman Pemerintahan Belanda.

Apa itu AHS dalam RAB?

Analisa harga satuan pekerjaan adalah suatu cara perhitungan harga satuan pekerjaan konstruksi yang dijabarkan dalam perkalian kebutuhan bahan bangunan, upah kerja, dan peralatan dengan harga bahan bangunan, standart pengupahan pekerja dan harga sewa / beli peralatan untuk menyelesaikan per satuan pekerjaan konstruksi.

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