Aba-aba menyiapkan kelas dalam bahasa inggris

Penerjamahan Baris-Berbaris Dasar ke bahasa Inggris – Translating Indonesian Drill Commands into English

Calon Taruna = Basic Cadets

Perizinan Permission:

  • Mohon izin = excuse me, Sir/ Mam!
  • Izin berdiri = permission to stand up. allow me to stand up!
  • Izin duduk = permission to sit. allow me to sit!
  • Izin bicara = permission to speak. allow me to speak!
  • Izin memperkenalkan diri = Permission to introduce myself. allow me to introduce myself!
  • Izin kembali = permission to dismiss. allow me to dismiss!
  • Izin menghadap = permission to appear. allow me to present!
  • Izin masuk (ke ruangan) = permission to enter. allow me to enter!
  • Izin keluar (dari ruangan) = permission to leave. allow me to leave!
  • Izin ke toilet = permission to the restroom. allow me to leave!
  • Izin bertanya = permission to ask questions. allow me to ask!
  • Izin mencari tahu = Sir, I am sorry I dont know. Sir, I ma sorry I don’t understand. allow me to find out the answers!
  • Izin menjawab, Pak = Sir, May I make statement? Permission to answer! allow me to answer!

Jawaban atas Kesiapan Basic Response

  • Siap Pak = Yes, Sir!
  • Siap tidak, Pak = No, Sir!
  • Siap salah, Pak = No excuse, Sir!

Baris Berbaris Drill Comands (marching motions,turning motions, saluting)

  • Pasukan = squad
  • Pleton = platoon
  • Barisan = company
  • Siap grak = attention!
  • Istirahat di tempat grak = at ease!
  • Hormat grak = to the front salute or salute. present, arms!
  • Hormat kanan grak = to the right, salute!
  • Tegak grak = eyes front, open arms!
  • Lencang depan grak = cover, arms!
  • Lencang kanan grak = dress right, dress!
  • Setengah lengan lencang kanan grak = half right, dress!
  • Jalan di tempat grak = mark time, march!
  • Hadap kiri, grak = left, face!
  • Hadap kanan, grak = right, face!
  • Balik kanan, grak = about, face!
  • Bubar jalan = dismiss!
  • Maju jalan = forward, march!
  • Langkah tegap, maju jalan = forward, march!
  • Hitung, mulai = count up!
  • Luruskan = straight up!
  • Kembali ke tempat = back to the line!
  • Masing-masing danton kerjakan sesuai rencana = all platoons leaders, continue as planned!
  • Danton, kerjakan = platoons leaders, continue!
  • Hadap serong kanan = half right, face!
  • Hadap serong kiri = half left, face!
  • Maju ke depan = come forward!
  • Langkah perlahan, maju jalan = slow, march!
  • Henti, grak = company, halt!

Pelaksanaan Apel Roll Call

Apel Pagi Mulai                                 :  Morning Roll Call Begins
Kepada pemimpin apel pagi             :  To the morning roll call leader
Hormat, grak                                     :  present, arms!
Tegak, grak                                       :  open, arms!

Masing2 Danton, Laporan               :  All Platoon Leaders, Report!
Laporan saya terima                        :  Report accepted
Kembali ke tempat/ barisan            :  Back to the Line!

Istirahat di tempat, grak                    :  Parade. At Ease!
Berdoa mulai                                     :  Pray begins
Apel Pagi selesai                               :  Morning Roll Call Over

Masing-masing danton dapat
Membubarkan pasukannya              : All platoons leaders, dismiss the line!

Hormat grak                                     :  present, arms!
Tegak grak                                        :  open, arms!
Tanpa penghormatan                      :  Without Parade’s Salute
Bubar Jalan                                       :  Platoon, Dismiss!

Laporan dalam Apel Report in Roll Call

Luruskan                               :  Straight up!
Lurus                                     :  Eyes front!/ Straight!

Lapor                                     :  Report
Taruna Tingkat 1                  :  First Class Cadets/ Students,
Jumlah 50                             :  Total 50
Lengkap                                :  All Present
Siap Apel Pagi                       :  Ready for Morning Roll Call

Taruna Tingkat 2                  :  Second Class Cadets/ Students,
Jumlah 50                              :  Total 50
Kurang 2                                :  Absent 2
Hadir 48                                :  Present 48
Keterangan                           :  Remarks
1 Izin, 1 Sakit                         :  1 on duty, 1 Sick
Siap Apel Pagi                       :  Ready for Morning Roll Call

Laporan selesai                    :  Report, over


Click to access Chapter9.pdf

Bagaimana cara menyiapkan kelas dalam bahasa Inggris?

Cara menyiapkan kelas dalam bahasa inggris adalah: First of all make sure that the class is clean (Pertama-tama pastikan kelas sudah bersih) Student should prepare themselve to study (siswa harus mempersiapkan diri untuk belajar) Class president will lead greetings and pray before start the class.

Apa bahasa inggris doa sebelum belajar?

Dear God. Help us to focus so that we can embrace our learning today. Bless us as we study. Come give those who teach us your love and protection.

Apa bahasa inggris nya beri salam kepada guru?

=> I give my regards to the teacher.

Apa bahasa Inggrisnya sebelum belajar mari kita berdoa?

Marilah kita berdoa sebelum belajar. Let's pray before we study.

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