1 dollar berapa lira turki

Last Updated at 01 November 2022 15:03 WIB

Currency exchange rate of selling&buying from BCA standpoint

Note: e-Rate is used for transactions through e-Banking. Contact the nearest BCA branch to obtain information on the special exchange rate for transactions at specified amount. The rate applied is the rate on the effective date of the transaction.

*) The exchange rate may change during transaction process.

*) Accumulated foreign exchange transactions above $100,000 or equivalent (other than LCS MYR, THB, JPY currencies) in the current month can be done over BCA Counter by including the underlying documents.

*) For the MYR and THB transaction of any amount is only available in BCA Branch Counter and for the transaction amount up to equivalent of USD 200,000 does not require any underlying document.

*) For the LCS JPY transaction of any amount is only available in BCA Branch Counter and for the transaction amount up to equivalent of USD 500,000 does not require any underlying document.

*) For further information about the exchange rate of more than 100 other foreign currencies, please contact Halo BCA or nearest BCA Branch Office.

Last Updated at 01 November 2022 15:03WIB

















Note: e-Rate is used for transactions through e-Banking. Contact the nearest BCA branch to obtain information on the special exchange rate for transactions at specified amount. The rate applied is the rate on the effective date of the transaction.

*) The exchange rate may change during transaction process.

*) Accumulated foreign exchange transactions above $100,000 or equivalent (other than LCS MYR, THB, JPY currencies) in the current month can be done over BCA Counter by including the underlying documents.

*) For the MYR and THB transaction of any amount is only available in BCA Branch Counter and for the transaction amount up to equivalent of USD 200,000 does not require any underlying document.

*) For the LCS JPY transaction of any amount is only available in BCA Branch Counter and for the transaction amount up to equivalent of USD 500,000 does not require any underlying document.

*) For further information about the exchange rate of more than 100 other foreign currencies, please contact Halo BCA or nearest BCA Branch Office.

Rate Calculator

Sell your foreign currency to BCA

Buy foreign currency from BCA

Note: e-Rate is used for transactions through e-Banking. Contact the nearest BCA branch to obtain information on the special exchange rate for transactions at specified amount. The rate applied is the rate on the effective date of the transaction.

*) The exchange rate may change during transaction process.

*) Accumulated foreign exchange transactions above $100,000 or equivalent (other than LCS MYR, THB, JPY currencies) in the current month can be done over BCA Counter by including the underlying documents.

*) For the MYR and THB transaction of any amount is only available in BCA Branch Counter and for the transaction amount up to equivalent of USD 200,000 does not require any underlying document.

*) For the LCS JPY transaction of any amount is only available in BCA Branch Counter and for the transaction amount up to equivalent of USD 500,000 does not require any underlying document.

*) For further information about the exchange rate of more than 100 other foreign currencies, please contact Halo BCA or nearest BCA Branch Office.

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